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Dev Update #287
February 21, 2025
The Naughty Captain
Day 6 Scene 30 Is back from proofreading. According to my proofreader, the script, at least, is pure fire. I hope my renders won't lessen that "greatness". I'll most likely take some time next week to...
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Dev Update #286
February 14, 2025
The Naughty Captain
Day 6 Scene 31 is ready for posing. That third draft reached 6041 words. The scene has been cut and prepared for posing. I planned 184 shots to illustrate that scene. It's a bit low, but I'm reaching...
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Dev Update #285
February 07, 2025
The Naughty Captain
Progress I wrote quite a bit this week. More than I planned, actually. I finished the second draft for scene 31. But at now 5800 words, I feel like it lacks a bit of rhythm and balance. Some parts are...
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Dev Update #284
January 31, 2025
The Naughty Captain
Scene 31 The first draft for scene 31 is almost complete. It's pretty rough and very short for now it barely reaches 2k words. But it's only a first draft. I have yet to refine it and I have no doubt...
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Dev Update #283
January 24, 2025
The Naughty Captain
Scene 30 Posing... is done. All the still have been posed and I reworked animation #1. It still needs some refining but I'm almost there. Just like Animation #2, I aimed for a much shorter and simpler...
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Dev Update #282
January 17, 2025
The Naughty Captain
Scene 30 Some decent progress this week. I had a bit more time than usual to work on the game and managed to reach shot #128. I have 21 shots left on my list. I should be able to finish the posing nex...
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Dev Update #281
January 10, 2025
The Naughty Captain
Slowly getting back to work. That was a pretty slow week. I made limited progress on the posing front. The last twenty shots were pretty difficult to pose, with a lot of contact and interactions. It s...
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Dev Update #280
January 03, 2025
The Naughty Captain
As pretty much every year, in January, I'm starting the year strong with a good flu. It was bound to happen. I hope to get rid of it during this weekend. Anyway, after almost 2 weeks of various festiv...
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Dev Update #279
December 27, 2024
The Naughty Captain
That last week of the year is always very busy with family stuff and festivities. As every year, my productivity has been brought to near zero and it will most likely stay like that until January 2nd...
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Dev Update #278
December 20, 2024
The Naughty Captain
Despair and suffering. It has been a very painful and frustrating week. I spent about three days with Blender, trying to get my set and my characters to work properly on that software. And I kind of s...
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Dev Update #277
December 13, 2024
The Naughty Captain
Scene 30. I've been pretty busy this week and progress has been limited But still, progress there is. I posed some more shots and reworked a few paragraphs. I'm at shot #68 and I've reached the point...
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Dev Update #276
December 06, 2024
The Naughty Captain
Posing. It's slowly progressing. So far, no real issues. Some light artifacts and aberrations on a couple of previews but they are very limited and I hope they will disappear during the rendering, or...
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Dev Update #275
November 29, 2024
The Naughty Captain
Scene 30. I cut the scene and prepared it for posing. I planned 149 shots to illustrate the almost 5000k words of the scene. I also rewrote a couple of passages that felt slightly off while I prepared...
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Dev Update #274
November 22, 2024
The Naughty Captain
Writing scene 30. Again. It's done. Or almost. There are still a couple of red lines in my scripts, meaning I need to rework these lines but it's essentially done. I rewrote all the dialogue and chang...
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Dev Update #273
November 15, 2024
The Naughty Captain
Writing scene 30. It's not finished. Far from that. I didn't have as much time as I expected this week, but more than that I do have trouble writing that scene. At the moment, the scene is 3800 words...
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Summer Scent v0.6.5a
November 13, 2024
The Naughty Captain
Summer Scent v0.6.5a is now available on Itch. Changelog v0.6.5a: Some more typos have been corrected. There is no end to these. Some more serious edits have been made to Day 1. A bug prevented the Ev...
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Dev Update #272
November 08, 2024
The Naughty Captain
A rather slow week. I've been correcting some bugs on the latest release. From the simple typo to some more embarrassing stuff. I still have some work on that front before I can publish a "definitive"...
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Dev Update #271
November 01, 2024
The Naughty Captain
v0.6.6 and the night of Day 6. I spent some time reworking the story map for the night to come. I trimmed the story tree a bit and rationalized some ideas. It's still a lot of content, however. Let's...
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Dev Update #270
October 25, 2024
The Naughty Captain
V0.6.5... ...Has entered beta. I hope we'll be done with it by the end of the weekend which would mean a release for the $10 tier on Subscribe Star at the start of next week and in a couple of weeks h...
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Dev Update #269
October 18, 2024
The Naughty Captain
I couldn't do everything I planned. I barely had the time to post-process all the images. I had a few shots to reload, repair, and fully rerender, a bit of clipping to Photoshop out, and the whole ser...
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Dev Update #268
October 11, 2024
The Naughty Captain
Day 2 Scene 2. I'm almost done posing it. There are only a couple of handful of shots left. A couple of hours of work, loading included, that I will deal with on Monday morning. Half of the scene is a...
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Dev Update #267
October 04, 2024
The Naughty Captain
Day 2 scene 2. I finished rewriting the scene. With about 2700 words, it ended up meeting my expectations. The scene follows the same developments as the original one. It will simply be better. I cut...
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Dev Update #266
September 27, 2024
The Naughty Captain
Day 6 Scene 29 is still rendering. As always I render at night, and do quality control and correction during the day if needed. I had a few shots to correct and rerun this week, in both scenes 28 and...
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Dev Update #265
September 20, 2024
The Naughty Captain
I finished posing Scene 29. Rendering is still ongoing slowly but it should progress steadily. Scene 28 has been coded, I'm still working on coding scene 29. After some random QC, I found some faulty...
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Dev Update #264
September 13, 2024
The Naughty Captain
Scene 29. Mediocre progress this week. I couldn't do everything I wanted despite having a bit more time at my disposal. Building that mega set for the ground floor has proven more difficult than I exp...
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Dev Update #263
September 06, 2024
The Naughty Captain
Scene 29. It is taking forever. I progressed through the shots and I'm now at shot #267. But I now have 7 characters in the scene and posing so many figures takes hours. I don't pose all seven of them...
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Dev Update #262
August 30, 2024
The Naughty Captain
Scene 29. Segment 2 is posed, I'm now working on segment 3 and the last hundred shots of the scene. I do not foresee any difficulties aside from the sheer size of the files and the time required to lo...
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Dev Update #261
August 23, 2024
The Naughty Captain
Scene 29. Some good progress this week. Having reached shot #176 we have passed the 55 % threshold and the first segment is behind us. There are about 45 shots left in Segment 2. I should be able to f...
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Dev Update #260
August 16, 2024
The Naughty Captain
Scene 29. Posing in progress. Some of the shots I'm working on are very quick to pose, and some others literally take hours to finish. It is often the case when characters are having any kind of physi...
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Dev Update #259
August 09, 2024
The Naughty Captain
Scene 29. I'm still posing it, of course. I didn't progress as much as I hoped. I've reached shot #83. However, I didn't just pose only 30 shots. I had to rewrite a part of the script. A small 150-wor...
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Dev Update #258
August 02, 2024
The Naughty Captain
Not much to say this week. I progressed on the posing and reached shot #52. I didn't encounter any difficulties so far. There is a surprising amount of movement for a simple "conversation" scene, whic...
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Dev Update #257
July 26, 2024
The Naughty Captain
Scene 29. I ended up adding a bit more material to the scene, something was bothering me, and I had to correct it. The definitive version of the scene is 10 312 words long. I did cut it and prepared i...
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Dev Update #256
July 19, 2024
The Naughty Captain
Scene 29. The writing is done. Or almost. There are a couple of paragraphs I want to rework, but essentially, it is done. I ended up cutting out a lot of content in the third segment. I had planned va...
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Dev Update #255
July 12, 2024
The Naughty Captain
Steam. Let's start that dev update with the big news : Summer Scent is officially coming to Steam. I would really be grateful if you could all...
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Dev Update #254
July 05, 2024
The Naughty Captain
Scene 29. According to my estimations, I wrote about 40 % of it. With about 3400 words so far, it's within my expectation in terms of length. Once complete, the scene will probably hit the 8 000 words...
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Dev Update #253
June 28, 2024
The Naughty Captain
I have made 0 progress on new content this week. Dealing with the achievement stuff hogged all my time. For a moment I really thought I could do without it, but almost immediately after my previous de...
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Dev Update #252
June 21, 2024
The Naughty Captain
I'm done with posing Scene 28. I have yet to finish rendering it. Pc Chan will take care of it in the coming nights. I have started writing scene 29 but haven't progressed much on that front. I barely...
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Dev Update #251
June 14, 2024
The Naughty Captain
Another meh week. I progressed but couldn't finish. I've lost a lot of time in reloading and correcting shots. With the unusual activity in my house in the past weeks I guess I had trouble focusing on...
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Dev Update #250
June 07, 2024
The Naughty Captain
Not much to say. My house is still a mess and A/C isn't fully installed yet. I've been promised it will be ready next Monday. Temperatures are rising as we step into Summer and I'm still living in a s...
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Dev Update #249
May 31, 2024
The Naughty Captain
Meager progress this week. For the last two days, I had some work done on my house and couldn't progress much. And it's not going to get any better as it will happen again next week. However, that als...
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Dev Update #248
May 24, 2024
The Naughty Captain
Day 6 Scene 28. Some progress on the posing. I've posed 59 shots over the 180 planned, so a third of the scene is ready to be rendered. The previews look good so far. I will start rendering this weeke...
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Dev Update #247
May 17, 2024
The Naughty Captain
The week was pretty poor productively speaking. Day 6 Scene 28. I started posing the scene but as you can see on the Trello board, I didn't progress much. As always, the first shot of a sequence takes...
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Dev Update #246
May 10, 2024
The Naughty Captain
Some good. Some bad. The week has been pretty slow. There has been progress on one side and kind of a setback on another side. Let's start with the good. Steam! I finally validated the tax and KYC pro...
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Dev Update #245
May 03, 2024
The Naughty Captain
Steam Progress. The account has been created, and some forms have been filled. I have now to wait for the IRS to validate my tax information. There shouldn't be any issues but it is a bit stressful no...
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Dev Update #244
April 26, 2024
The Naughty Captain
Administrative progress. I'm still stuck in administrative hell but there is progress. I had the answers I needed to do the paperwork and I submitted it. I now have to wait for the changes to be fully...
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Dev Update #243
April 19, 2024
The Naughty Captain
Summer Scent v0.6.4a A new version of the game is available! The story map. It's not complete but the structure is most likely definitive. I still have a couple of paths to flesh out a bit more but es...
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Summer Scent v0.6.4a
April 19, 2024
The Naughty Captain
Summer Scent V0.6.4a is now available on Itch. This is the latest version of the game. Changelog v0.6.4a: Some images have been reworked and rerendered, on both Day 5 and Day 6. Several typos have bee...
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Delayed release!
April 17, 2024
The Naughty Captain
I was supposed to release v0.6.4 tonight but I have to delay it a bit. I'm not done correcting some problems that need to be dealt with. I will release v0.6.4a on Friday the 19th. Thank you for your p...
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Dev Update #242
April 12, 2024
The Naughty Captain
The couple of weeks after a release is always a weird time. I spend most of my time making minor corrections to the script (no matter how much time we spend proofreading the script, there is no shorta...
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Dev Update #241
April 05, 2024
The Naughty Captain
V0.6.4 has been available on Subscribe Star for a few days now. So far you seem to appreciate it. As the evil asshole and psychotic knight paths aren't the most popular, to say the least, I was quite...
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Dev Update #240
March 29, 2024
The Naughty Captain
Working on the music has been a pain. Integrating it into the game was easy but making choices was excruciating. I had some very specific ideas about the kind of music I wanted for the game and ultima...
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Dev Update #239
March 22, 2024
The Naughty Captain
I'm a bit late. Everything has been post-processed, and all images have been integrated. However, I still have a few things I need to work on and I couldn't work on the music either. I hoped to have a...
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Dev Update #238
March 15, 2024
The Naughty Captain
What a week. As most, if not all, of you know, Patreon removed my account from their platform. I tried to appeal, but they barely answered me and I felt like they didn't even want to hear me out. Ther...
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Dev Update #237
March 08, 2024
The Naughty Captain
I'm done posing scene 27. It took me a bit more time than I anticipated but it's done. The renders look good, in my opinion. And I'm usually pretty difficult to satisfy. I'm especially happy with how...
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Dev Update #236
March 01, 2024
The Naughty Captain
A lot of issues this week. Several shots from Segment 4 came back with clipping issues. I had to correct them. Jack's trousers look great but sometimes they get a bit unruly. And especially annoying a...
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Dev Update #235
February 23, 2024
The Naughty Captain
I'm done with posing the third segment. I'm now working on the fourth one. The fourth segment is very short but intense. It's only a dozen shots long but the posing is of a more challenging kind. The...
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Dev Update #234
February 16, 2024
The Naughty Captain
The Moonriver Diner. My quest for an exterior has been a failure. I searched for some Hdri, and found none fitting. I tried to create my own and failed because apparently, you can't render mesh lights...
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Dev Update #233
February 09, 2024
The Naughty Captain
I finished posing scene 27 - segment 2 and I'm now working on the third segment. Posing the first few shots of that segment took quite some time. There are a lot of characters in that scene and the in...
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Dev Update #232
February 02, 2024
The Naughty Captain
I'm still working on the second segment of scene 27. I've reached shot #76, and with it a more challenging set of images to create. I had to rework an environment for that purpose and it was a bit mor...
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Dev Update #231
January 26, 2024
The Naughty Captain
I've started the week with good old food poisoning and a short visit to the hospital. I haven't been fully operational until Tuesday. I progressed on the second segment of scene 27. I had to slightly...
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Dev Update #230
January 19, 2024
The Naughty Captain
I finished posing the first segment of scene 27. It's the shortest one. Everything went smoothly until I actually rendered the shots. I then noticed a lot of issues with a specific garment. As always,...
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Dev Update #229
January 12, 2024
The Naughty Captain
All the sets are ready. The set for the third segment of the scene has been quite challenging to build. After making sure that none of the available easy options at my disposal were good enough, I dec...
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Dev Update #228
January 06, 2024
The Naughty Captain
Once again, I'm one day late on the dev update. Sorry! I managed to work a good three days out of this week. The good news is that the holidays are definitely over and I can now go back to my usual sc...
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Dev Update #227
December 29, 2023
The Naughty Captain
I'm ashamed to confess that I haven't made any progress this week. With family around and all the celebrations, I couldn't find enough time to do any significant work. I worked on the sets a bit. The...
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Dev Update #226
December 22, 2023
The Naughty Captain
Scene 27. The scene is fully written. It finally reached 7k words and I think it's in a pretty good state. I cut the scene for rendering, 238 renders are planned but I will probably have to add some m...
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Dev Update #225
December 15, 2023
The Naughty Captain
Scene 27. I finished writing scene 27, at least most of it. Segment 4 is written. It was surprisingly difficult but it's done. and I'm honestly satisfied with it. The situation on Segment 5 is differe...
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Dev Update #224
December 08, 2023
The Naughty Captain
Scene 27. I made some significant progress in writing the scene. Segments 1, 2 and 3 are written, and we are right under 5k words. Segments 1 and 3 are kind of ready, as I've already reviewed and edit...
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Dev Update #223
December 01, 2023
The Naughty Captain
Scene 26. I never have as many issues on a scene as this one. I'm starting to think it may be cursed. Last week I talked about an issue with an asset that behaved weirdly during rendering. My analysis...
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Dev Update #222
November 24, 2023
The Naughty Captain
Scene 26. Is posed. I finished it today. Half of it has yet to be rendered. Speaking about renders. I encountered a few weird problems with assets "moving" in renders. It's probably an issue with a sm...
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Dev Update #221
November 18, 2023
The Naughty Captain
Sorry, about the delayed dev update. I had an impromptu social event I couldn't avoid. Fixing stuff. I spent a part of the week fixing my previous mistakes. It has been as tedious and frustrating as e...
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Dev Update #220
November 10, 2023
The Naughty Captain
Current mood : Meh. I made some decent progress this week and posed up to shot 136. This should mean that I have about 40 shots left on that scene. Unfortunately, I did a big oopsie, as some formulate...
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Dev Update #219
November 03, 2023
The Naughty Captain
Still posing Scene 26. I'm still posing scene 26. I'm pretty much halfway through the scene as I've posed 88 shots, over 179. I might slow down a bit next week as I have two issues that may (or may no...
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Dev Update #218
October 27, 2023
The Naughty Captain
A very short dev update. Not much to say. I cut Scene 26, and I'll have to pose 179 shots to illustrate it. As always, it's not definitive as I always rewrite some minor stuff and add or remove a few...
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Dev Update #217
October 20, 2023
The Naughty Captain
Scene 26, again. I finished writing the scene. Or more accurately, I finished rewriting it entirely. I was editing the first version of the script, trying to lower the word count to something manageab...
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Dev Update #216
October 13, 2023
The Naughty Captain
Scene 26. So, I started seriously writing scene 26. I'm about halfway through it and it's already about 4.8k long. I actually wrote more than that but I've already started to edit it down. I'm not rea...
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Dev Update #215
October 06, 2023
The Naughty Captain
Music. The hunt continues. I've made some progress. I spent most of the week listening and testing music in context. I, once again selected some tracks and tried to contact several artists. The majori...
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Dev Update #214
September 29, 2023
The Naughty Captain
Day 2 Scene 10. It's done. It's posed and more than half of it is rendered. So far, the results are pleasing, aside from a few details that had me rework the kiss shots once again. Posing lips and ton...
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Dev Update #213
September 22, 2023
The Naughty Captain
Still behind on my schedule as I've lost a lot of time this week. I spent about 10 hours, a whole day of work, posing a single shot that I couldn't get right. As it's an important one, I felt like I h...
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Dev Update #212
September 15, 2023
The Naughty Captain
I'm still behind on my schedule. I wasted quite some time on personal life stuff and spent a non-negligible amount of time reworking a couple of paragraphs of the script, once again. However, more tha...
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Dev Update #211
September 08, 2023
The Naughty Captain
I haven't been as productive as I hoped to be this week. After the first ten shots were posed, I realised I wasn't satisfied with both the lighting and Eve's outfit. I invested some time into correcti...
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Dev Update #210
September 01, 2023
The Naughty Captain
Day 2, Scene 10. I edited the scene down to just under 5k words. It's still a lot more than what I intended but I can't see myself cutting more content from it. So it will have to do. It has been a re...
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Dev Update #209
August 25, 2023
The Naughty Captain
H e a t ! Rendering is still impossible but temperatures should seriously go down starting Monday. Fingers crossed I'll then be able to render all night long. I know, I wouldn't have this issue if I h...
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Dev Update #208
August 18, 2023
The Naughty Captain
D a y 2 s c e n e 1 0 : P r o g r e s s . I solved last week's conundrum and came up with a set, characters and a script for both the "Adult movie" and the "Black and White Classic" that Eve and Jack...
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Dev Update #207
August 11, 2023
The Naughty Captain
The posing of Day 2 scene 1 is done. It took a bit longer than I expected, mostly because Eve's nightshirt takes pretty long to simulate. Rendering is on hold until the nights get cooler. I'm not over...
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Dev Update #206
August 04, 2023
The Naughty Captain
Day 2 scene 1. It's almost done. I have 20 shots to pose to finish it. I also made some progress on the rendering with 75 images rendered. I have quite a few issues with some of these images (the drea...
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Summer Scent v0.6.3a - Android.
July 29, 2023
The Naughty Captain
Today, I'm publishing an Android build for v0.6.3, on Patreon and SubscribeStar . However, it comes with a warning and a clarification. It must be pretty obvious that Android builds aren't my priority...
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Dev Update #205
July 28, 2023
The Naughty Captain
I haven't been very efficient this week. I posed some shots but I made multiple mistakes. As a consequence, I had to pretty much reload a bunch of files, edit and rerender them. And I did it again and...
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Dev Update #204
July 21, 2023
The Naughty Captain
I finally rewrote the end of the scene and a few more things. The scene is now about 4200 words long and should have reached its final form, even if I'm rewriting or adding a few words as I'm posing i...
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Summer Scent v0.6.3 a is now available on Itch.
July 15, 2023
The Naughty Captain
The most recent version of Summer Scent, v0.6.3 a, is now available on Here is the full change log : Changelog v0.6.3 a The credit screen has been updated. Some Achievements have been correcte...
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Dev Update #203
July 14, 2023
The Naughty Captain
v0.6.3 a I made some corrections to v0.6.3. It's mostly about fixing typos but it also includes some more important edits. That patched version is coming to Itch tomorow. This version will also includ...
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Dev Update #202
July 07, 2023
The Naughty Captain
That week started a bit rough. I've been pretty sick for a few days. Which didn't help getting things done. V 0 . 6 . 3 It will be available tomorrow for the Gunners tiers on Patreon and Subscribe Sta...
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Dev Update #201
June 30, 2023
The Naughty Captain
I couldn't finish everything I wanted to do. One of the features I worked on this week took way more time than I expected. However, I do have a working build and I plan to release it tomorrow, barring...
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Dev Update #200
June 23, 2023
The Naughty Captain
I couldn't do all I wanted this week, but v0.6.3 has entered beta nonetheless. I still need to work on some auxiliary features, the achievements and the lighthouse mode. I will do that while my beta t...
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Dev Update #199
June 16, 2023
The Naughty Captain
Post-processing took way longer than I hoped. I thought I could tackle it in three days. It took a whole week. I have to move that task up in my pipeline for the next releases. That task is so repetit...
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Dev Update #198
June 09, 2023
The Naughty Captain
S c e n e 2 5 i s p o s e d , r e n d e r e d a n d c o d e d . I ended up rewriting some parts of the scene and, despite the word count not evolving much, I managed to get the number of shots require...
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Dev Update #197
June 02, 2023
The Naughty Captain
Scene 24. It's done. Posed, coded, and sent for proofreading, I still have a few shots to render but I'm waiting to have enough material for a whole night of rendering. Scene 25. It's written and cut,...
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Dev Update #196
May 26, 2023
The Naughty Captain
There isn't much to say this week, therefore this dev update will be pretty short. Scene 24 I'm still working on posing scene 24. I made some decent progress this week but haven't finished it yet. Abo...
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Dev Update #195
May 19, 2023
The Naughty Captain
Scene 24. I planned slightly more shots than usual. I'm going for 107 shots, instead of 80, which was my initial estimation. There will be a lot of "short-lived images" which I usually try to avoid. W...
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Dev Update #194
May 12, 2023
The Naughty Captain
Scene 24. I spent most of the week writing it. I ended up merging my original plans for scenes 24 and 25 into a single scene and the whole thing is finally way smaller than my initial estimations (lik...
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Dev Update #193
May 05, 2023
The Naughty Captain
I'm done posing scene 23. Half of it still awaits rendering. A couple of nights and it will be complete. I started coding scenes 22 and 23 but barely scratched it for now. I should be able to finalize...
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Dev Update #192
April 28, 2023
The Naughty Captain
Scene 23. Being done with posing scene 22. I switched to writing scene 23. With almost 1700 words long, it's within my expectations. I planned 62 shots for that scene and I've already started posing i...
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Dev Update #191
April 21, 2023
The Naughty Captain
Progress! I'm almost done with posing scene 22. There are about 10 shots left. I expected to finish that task earlier this week but ultimately changed my plans. I took some time off from posing in ord...
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Dev Update #190
April 14, 2023
The Naughty Captain
There is very little to report this week. Scene 22. Half of it is posed. So far, I didn't encounter any difficulties. I have reduced the number of shots planned a bit. I expect to reduce it again next...
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Dev Update #189
April 07, 2023
The Naughty Captain
Scene 22. It's written. With 2675 words, it's pretty much within the limits of my estimation. It's ready for posing. I cut it and planned 94 shots but I will probably revise this figure downwards as I...
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Dev Update #188
March 31, 2023
The Naughty Captain
The three scenes of the main branch are mostly complete. I've sent the scripts to my proofreaders. I began working on scene 22 and I'm reworking my original ideas. I should be able to write it with ab...
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Dev Update #187
March 24, 2023
The Naughty Captain
I finished posing scene 21. I've lost some time correcting a problem noticeable on about 20 renders. I had to correct and rerender these images. As always, that is a real pain because the files are pr...
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Dev Update #186
March 17, 2023
The Naughty Captain
I've lost a lot of time this week, trying to make an animation. The base idea was simple enough and I've been told about a couple of tools that could considerably ease the work... I'm not sure why I e...
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Dev Update #185
March 10, 2023
The Naughty Captain
I haven't been as efficient as I hoped this week. I'm still working on posing scene 21 and I'm about 15 shots late on my previsions. The shots I'm posing at the moment are slightly more difficult to d...
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Dev Update #184
March 03, 2023
The Naughty Captain
Scene 21. I'm... half done with the posing. I reached shot #136, I have reasonable hopes to reach #190 by the end of next week. I'm still thinking about rewriting parts of the love variants but it sho...
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Dev Update #183
February 24, 2023
The Naughty Captain
S c e n e 2 1 . I'm still working on posing it. With 85 shots posed, a third of the scene is done. I started rendering it and so far I'm satisfied with the results. The scene is Cassie-oriented but wi...
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Dev Update #182
February 17, 2023
The Naughty Captain
Scene 21. I'm currently posing it. I've planned 257 renders. I'm thirty shots into it. Not much else to say on that part. Hardware drama. I had a pretty scary issue with my HDD today. Specifically, th...
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Dev Update #181
February 10, 2023
The Naughty Captain
Writing scene 21. I'm done with it. It got way bigger than planned. The scene is 7230 words long which is significantly more than the four thousand I initially had in mind. However, I'm satisfied with...
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Dev Update #180
February 03, 2023
The Naughty Captain
I spent the first half of the week working on crafting promotional images. I'm not completely happy with the results but it's still way better than what I used so far. I will most likely rework that a...
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Dev Update #179
January 27, 2023
The Naughty Captain
I'm done posing scene 20. Rendering has also progressed and there are only 15 shots left to render. I'm going to take a break from the story for a couple of days, in order to work on "marketing materi...
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Dev Update #178
January 20, 2023
The Naughty Captain
Scene 20 I progressed through the posing of scene 20. I had to rework the laundry room set to include a proper hallway. You've probably noted that I've already rendered some shots using that part of t...
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Dev Update #177
January 13, 2023
The Naughty Captain
I've been working on scene 20 all week. I ended up rewriting the last third of the scene The word count increased a bit. The scene is now around 2.9k words long. It's pretty much final. I had a few mo...
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Dev Update #176
January 06, 2023
The Naughty Captain
Scene 19 The posing is done. It kind of feels like a liberation. I've spent too much time working on that scene and it was far from satisfying. I still have quite some shots to render. It should be do...
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Dev Update #175
December 30, 2022
The Naughty Captain
The last Dev Update of the year! Obviously, I didn't finish scene 19. I still have a dozen renders to pose. I had a small issue with a pose I described that wasn't physically possible. I had to rewrit...
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Dev Update #174
December 23, 2022
The Naughty Captain
This is the last Dev Update before Christmas so I'll start it by wishing you all a merry Christmas. I hope you're enjoying your holidays. I rewrote the hard sub variant, as planned. The first iteratio...
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Dev Update #173
December 16, 2022
The Naughty Captain
I've lost a day of work, on fixing a stupid issue. I woke up one morning to notice a clipping problem on the renders of the night. For those who don't know, clipping is when an object, in this case, a...
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Dev Update #172
December 09, 2022
The Naughty Captain
Posing scene 19 has no end. With around 215 shots posed, I should be at the two third of the scene. However, I still have the hard sub variant to rewrite. I think it's going to be shorter than the thi...
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Dev Update #171
December 02, 2022
The Naughty Captain
That dev update will be really short as there isn't much to say. I'm still working on posing and rendering scene 19. I've been slightly more efficient than the previous weeks and about half of the sce...
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Dev Update #170
November 25, 2022
The Naughty Captain
This dev update will be very short as there isn't much to say. I'm still posing scene 19. I've hit the 115th shot mark. I'm working slower than I expected. I'm losing quite some time wondering if I'm...
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Dev Update #169
November 18, 2022
The Naughty Captain
T h a t w e e k h a s b e e n p r e t t y r o u g h . I'm sick. I've been unable to work for a full day. I'm getting better but I can't say I'm 100% efficient at the moment. I still have pains and mom...
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Dev Update #168
November 11, 2022
The Naughty Captain
Progressing on scene 19. Preparing scene 19 for posing, I had new ideas for the "neutral" variant of the scene. I couldn't help but rewrite it. It's slightly shorter but way better than the previous v...
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Dev Update #167
November 05, 2022
The Naughty Captain
The writing of scene 19... Is done. Mostly. I managed to trim it down a fair bit. I did cut a bit of content and rephrased some other parts. I also changed the structure of the scene so that I could r...
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Summer Scent v0.6.2R
November 02, 2022
The Naughty Captain
Summer scent v0.6.2R is now availableon Itch! There is no new Day 6 content. This update focuses on quality-of-life features and improvements and the complete rework of Day One. Here is the changelog...
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Dev Update #166
October 28, 2022
The Naughty Captain
I spend the whole week working on the script of scene 19. I progressed, a lot. But it doesn't mean it's a good thing. The scene is now about 11.5k and I only developed one and a half of the six differ...
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Dev Update #165
October 21, 2022
The Naughty Captain
Mitigated progress. I'm still writing scene 19. I'm not really happy with it though. I started this week with trouble focusing on the task. I don't know why but the first part of the scene has been a...
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Dev Update #164
October 14, 2022
The Naughty Captain
V0.6.2R First thing first: Summer Scent v0.6.2R will be released on Itch in a couple of weeks. It's time to work on new content. The story map I come up with two months ago is still valid. However, I...
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Dev Update #163
October 07, 2022
The Naughty Captain
The beta test is ongoing. All renders are rendered and post-processed. The script has been proofread. The code is complete. We started the beta test yesterday and so far, the feedback are very positiv...
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Dev Update #162
September 30, 2022
The Naughty Captain
All scenes and shots are now posed and rendered. The new dream sequence looks pretty good in my opinion. It's now a nonsensical dream with a bit of unexpected sexiness. Much more tame than the previou...
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Dev Update #161
September 23, 2022
The Naughty Captain
S c e n e 7 i s p o s e d . No surprises there. I finished working on scene 7 on Wednesday morning. It's fully posed and rendering has even begun. I r e w r o t e s c e n e 8 . That dream sequence pro...
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Dev Update #160
September 16, 2022
The Naughty Captain
S c e n e s 5 a n d 6 a r e p o s e d . I ' m a f e w s h o t s i n t o s c e n e 7 . I'm currently reworking the night light. I thought I was done with it a few months ago, when I reworked most of th...
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Dev Update #159
September 09, 2022
The Naughty Captain
I couldn't work as much as I wanted this week. I've lost a lot of time with health problems (allergies, my eyes were on fire) and other events beyond my control. But I'm doing better now and I should...
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Dev Update #158
September 02, 2022
The Naughty Captain
Day one, Scene two. It's done. It took me more time than I expected. I expected the car shots to be a problem but in the end, they weren't such a hindrance. But I accumulated some rookie mistakes that...
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Dev Update #157
August 26, 2022
The Naughty Captain
Day one, Scene one. I spend the week reworking the first scene of day one. After several hours of trial and error, I found a workflow to rework the old shots. It's not completely satisfying as it impl...
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Dev Update #156
August 19, 2022
The Naughty Captain
I had quite the stressful adventure this week and ended up losing a day of work but it was worth it. The water-cooling loop of my workstation was in dire need of maintenance and I did it myself. It wa...
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Summer Scent v0.6.2 is now available on Itch!
August 15, 2022
The Naughty Captain
The latest version of Summer Scent is now available, with new content for every paths and several improvements to the game. Changelog v0.6.2. Day 6 part 2 content. Roughly 28.5k words, 10 k lines of c...
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Dev Update #155
August 12, 2022
The Naughty Captain
First of all, I have to thank everyone for their support and their encouragement. I'm done with the fever and most likely with Covid. I'm still coughing a lot but according to the test I took, I'm now...
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Dev Update #154
August 05, 2022
The Naughty Captain
L e t ' s g o s t r a i g h t t o t h e p o i n t : C o v i d . I have it. The symptoms started last weekend and by Monday it was in full effect. The fever did quite a number on me, with difficult day...
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Dev Update #153
July 29, 2022
The Naughty Captain
The walkthrough mode, or "Lighthouse mode" as I named it, is complete. It works pretty well so far. I tried to design something as non-intrusive as possible. You will be able to display different piec...
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Dev Update #152
July 22, 2022
The Naughty Captain
I've been working on a "light" in-game walkthrough mode for the most part of the week. It still needs some refinement but I came up with something that works. It's pretty much an implementation of the...
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Dev Update #151
July 15, 2022
The Naughty Captain
So here it is. Summer scent v0.6 is finally released for the Sailing Master tier and up on Patreon and Subscribe Star. It will be available for the Gunner tier next Friday, and on, on the 15th...
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Dev Update #150
July 08, 2022
The Naughty Captain
The beta test is ongoing. So far we didn't find any game-breaking bugs. Fingers crossed it stays that way. We'll keep it on the test until next Thursday, just to be safe but I'm confident we'll have c...
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Dev Update #149
July 01, 2022
The Naughty Captain
The post-processing hogged most of my week. I finished last night and exported all images to a more convenient file format this morning. I started adding images, dynamics and achievements into the cod...
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Dev Update #148
June 24, 2022
The Naughty Captain
I'm pretty happy with the progress of the week. I managed to tackle about every task on my list. Here is a quick status update on the development. What I did this week : Scene 18 is fully posed and re...
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Dev Update #147
June 17, 2022
The Naughty Captain
Segment 4 is posed, I'm working on the last part of the scene. I made some good progress this week. The posing was easy and I managed to do a bit more than what I expected. There are only 26 shots lef...
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Dev Update #146
June 10, 2022
The Naughty Captain
Segment 3b is mostly done. I rewrote it and posed 90% of it, the remaining shots should be easy to deal with this weekend. As usual, now, the new version of the segment is bigger and longer than the p...
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Dev Update #145
June 03, 2022
The Naughty Captain
I rewrote segment 3a and extended the script and the render count by a fair bit. The final version is very different from my initial draft. Way better, a little longer and more interesting graphically...
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Dev Update #144
May 27, 2022
The Naughty Captain
(I have to apologize, I just noticed that I forgot to post the Dev Update last week. Sorry !) T h e f i r s t s e g m e n t i s f u l l y p o s e d a n d r e n d e r e d . I'll have a few corrections...
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Dev Update #142
May 13, 2022
The Naughty Captain
The posing continues. A very short update this week, as there isn't much to say. I'm up to shot #115. I've reached a turning point in the scene and I now have only two characters to pose and only one...
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Dev Update #141
May 06, 2022
The Naughty Captain
The first week of posing scene 18 is over. I've barely posed 52 shots, but they were of the difficult kind. I hope to speed up the process next week as the nature of the poses will change. In Scene 18...
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Dev Update #140
April 29, 2022
The Naughty Captain
I finished writing scene 18 and, until today, I was happy with what I came up with. It's 12.5 k words long, and, obviously, the biggest scene of the update. I cut it and prepared the script for posing...
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Dev Update #139
April 22, 2022
The Naughty Captain
I'm still not done writing scene 18. But I'm fairly satisfied with the stuff I wrote this week. Scene 18 is just a bit over 10k words at the moment. I have 2 more variants to write in order to finish...
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Dev Update #138
April 15, 2022
The Naughty Captain
I'm still writing scene 18. It's about 4200 words long at the moment. I think that it represents 35% or maybe 40% of the whole scene. I've been a bit slow at the start of the week, faster the few last...
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Dev Update #137
April 08, 2022
The Naughty Captain
I met my objectives for this week. I finished posing and rendering scene 17, coded all the scenes up to scene 17, sent the scripts for proofreading and started writing scene 18. Dealing with scene 18...
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Dev Update #136
April 01, 2022
The Naughty Captain
As planned, I finished posing scene 16. Some shots have yet to render. I wrote scene 17. It's a very short scene (about 750 words) and I planned only 30 shots to illustrate it. I've already assembled...
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Dev Update #135
March 25, 2022
The Naughty Captain
Not much to say. the work on scene 16 is still ongoing. The posing is almost finished. I have 14 more shots to go. I should finish it next Monday. Next is scene 17. I expect it to be very short unless...
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Dev Update #134
March 18, 2022
The Naughty Captain
I finished posing scene 15 and the last shots did render today. I started working on scene 16. I did write it but I'm not completely satisfied with the second half of the scene. I think I can do bette...
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Dev Update #133
March 11, 2022
The Naughty Captain
That dev update will be short as there is nothing really interesting to say this week. Work is simply going on. I'm still working on posing scene 15. I've posed 59 shots over 76. I'll probably need a...
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Dev Update #132
March 04, 2022
The Naughty Captain
S c e n e 1 5 i s w r i t t e n . And I'm fairly satisfied with it so far. I've also cut the script and prepared it for the posing. I planned 76 renders to go along the 2000+ words of the scene. I s t...
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Dev Update #131
February 25, 2022
The Naughty Captain
Scene 14 is fully posed. I should be done with it but then I may have to go back to it. I'm not completely satisfied with how the scene turned out and I'm thinking of adding a couple more paragraphs a...
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Dev Update #130
February 18, 2022
The Naughty Captain
Scene 14 is written and cut. I'm currently working on the posing. It ended up being a rather short scene with about 1500 words. There isn't much action and it's more of a discussion scene with minimal...
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Dev Update #129
February 11, 2022
The Naughty Captain
Scene 13 is fully posed and rendering is almost complete. I tried some new things on the second half of the scene and experimented a bit. It's the first scene where I kind of show another point of vie...
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Dev Update #128
February 04, 2022
The Naughty Captain
Not much to say. I'm working on posing scene 13. Half of it is posed and it's slowly rendering. It was the easy half. I had an idea for that second part of the scene, and that idea poses a challenge o...
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Dev update #127
January 28, 2022
The Naughty Captain
I finished writing scene 13. The scene evolved quite a bit between the first and the last draft. I think the final result is satisfying. I've cut the scene and it's ready to be posed. I've planned 75...
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Dev Update #126
January 21, 2022
The Naughty Captain
The posing for scene 12 is complete. So far, the renders look good enough. I started working on the code for scenes 11 and 12 but I couldn't finish. I had to deal with a power failure in my neighbourh...
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Dev Update #125
January 14, 2022
The Naughty Captain
The work on scene 12 continues. I encountered a few problems with the sets I prepared for that scene and that did cost me some time, however, my biggest issue is that posing and framing characters ins...
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Dev Update #124
January 07, 2022
The Naughty Captain
It will be a short update. I've spent the week working on scene 12. I finally rewrote it entirely. And it's much better than the previous version. I'm now posing it. I had to rework an abandoned set a...
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Dev Update #123
December 31, 2021
The Naughty Captain
Once again, I couldn't work as much as I wanted this week. After the booster shot took me down last week, I managed to catch some kind of flu this week. I still managed to write scene 12 and I even pr...
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Dev Update #122
December 24, 2021
The Naughty Captain
I finished posing scene 11. Some shots have yet to be rendered but I'm not in a hurry to have it done. I was supposed to start writing scene 12 but the third shot of the Moderna vaccine I took on Wedn...
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Dev Update #121
December 17, 2021
The Naughty Captain
I'm still posing scene 11. It's not going as fast as I thought it would and on top of that, I lost about a day of work with a stupid mistake. With 5 Genesis 8.1 characters in that scene, the files are...
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Dev Update #120
December 10, 2021
The Naughty Captain
The writing of scene 11 is finished. I wrote about 3000 words but ended up editing out a part that I felt was useless. I'm satisfied with the script as it is now. I've cut the script and planned the r...
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Dev Update #119
December 03, 2021
The Naughty Captain
I'm done with assembling characters and set for part 2. The last set prove more difficult than expected to put together. The assets I planned to use ended... not being that great. So I had to construc...
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Summer Scent v0.6.1b is available.
November 27, 2021
The Naughty Captain
Summer Scent v0.6.1b is now available on Itch! A few words about the state of the game are needed. With this version, I reworked most of the environments of the game. This means that Jack's house will...
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Dev Update #118
November 26, 2021
The Naughty Captain
As planned, I spent the week working on creating characters and environments. Not much to say. Problems were encountered and solved. For now, I'm satisfied with what I've put together. I still have a...
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Dev Update #117
November 19, 2021
The Naughty Captain
As always after a release, the week has been busy with various things and despite having removed some lines from my task list I feel like I didn't advance much. T h e T r e l l o b o a r d . I reworke...
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Dev Update #116
November 12, 2021
The Naughty Captain
The last dev update before the release. I have yet to make and upload the builds but everything should be ready for tomorrow. I'll start with the bad news. Your saves may not be compatible with the ne...
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Dev Update #115
November 05, 2021
The Naughty Captain
Not much to say this week so that dev update should be short. The beta test has started yesterday and should last for a week unless my beta testers find some major problems necessitating a major rewor...
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Dev Update #114
October 29, 2021
The Naughty Captain
Post-processing is done. It took way longer than I expected. Turns out that editing a thousand images, even if you barely spend about three minutes per file on average... Well, that's 50 hours of work...
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Dev Update #113
October 22, 2021
The Naughty Captain
The posing and the rendering of scene 10 are done. I've been working on the coding since Wednesday afternoon. Three fourth of the scene is coded I should be able to finish it tomorrow and send it for...
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Dev Update #112
October 15, 2021
The Naughty Captain
Still posing Scene 10 ! It's 196 renders long so far and still not complete. That thing never ends. I couldn't reuse as many shots as I thought I would, so I'm posing every frame I initially planned...
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Dev Update #111
October 08, 2021
The Naughty Captain
I am still working on posing scene 10. I've been doing more shots than planned on Eve's part. I felt like it needed a more intense cut than my initial draft. So far, 133 shots are posed for scene 10,...
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Dev Update #110
October 01, 2021
The Naughty Captain
Not much to say this week, that dev update will be short. I'm still working on posing scene 10. I've posed about 70 shots out of the 200 I initially planned. However, I'm reviewing that number down as...
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Dev Update #109
September 24, 2021
The Naughty Captain
I finished writing scene 10. In the end, it's about 9500 words long, which is just 3 times longer than what I initially planned. I guess we can say I got carried away. Some of the Eve content I added...
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Dev Update #108
September 17, 2021
The Naughty Captain
I'm still working on writing scene 10. It's about 5 500 words now but I'm not quite done with it. As usual, I'm going a bit overboard with the script. I've written everything I planned for that scene,...
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Dev Update #107
September 10, 2021
The Naughty Captain
I managed to do pretty much everything I planned for this week. Scene 9 is posed. There are some shots left to render, it will be done this weekend. I also coded the scene and sent it to my proofreade...
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Dev Update #106
September 03, 2021
The Naughty Captain
As planned, I finished the coding of scene 8 and sent it to my proofreader. I'm now posing and rendering scene 9. I've planned about 80 shots for that scene. About 50 are already posed and half of it...
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Dev Update #105
August 27, 2021
The Naughty Captain
Scene 6 and 7 are fully coded and have been sent to my proofreader. I'm still working on coding scene 8. I still have about one-quarter of that scene to code. As expected this scene and is 14 000 word...
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Dev Update #104
August 21, 2021
The Naughty Captain
I'm finally done with posing scene 8! In the end, I posed 300 shots for that scene alone. Most of it is already rendered, thanks to a few days of cool weather. My next objective is to code scenes 6, 7...
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Dev Update #103
August 13, 2021
The Naughty Captain
Still on scene 8. This is taking forever. To be honest, a couple of social events prevented me to work as much as I wanted to and I've lost about a day of work. But still, this is taking me way too lo...
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Dev Update #102
August 07, 2021
The Naughty Captain
Once again, not much to say, I'm still posing scene 8. With about 180 shots posed, I still have about a hundred shots to work on for that scene alone. I lose a lot of time meddling with Cassie's hair...
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Dev Update #101
July 30, 2021
The Naughty Captain
Not much to say this week. I'm still posing Scene 8. About half of it is now done. The last 50 shots have been easier to pose but not by much. So far, I've posed all the love variants of the scene. Ho...
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Dev Update #100
July 23, 2021
The Naughty Captain
I'm still working on posing scene 8. So far I've posed about 70 shots. It's not much considering I've planned 280 renders for that scene. However, I've started with the difficult part and the most com...
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Dev Update #99
July 16, 2021
The Naughty Captain
I finished writing scene 8 as planned. It's 13 500 words in total. That scene has a lot of variants, and most of them are pretty eventful. I already reworked some parts of my first draft. I'm mostly s...
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Dev Update #98
July 09, 2021
The Naughty Captain
I got my second shot of Moderna this week and it took its toll on me. I've spent a couple of days in a rather sorry state that wasn't really favourable to writing but I still managed to advance a bit...
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Dev Update #97
July 02, 2021
The Naughty Captain
Scene 6 and 7 are fully rendered. Thanks to a few days of cool weather, I was able to render on both GPUs for a while. Scene 9 is written and I'm currently working on scene 8. Scene 8 is one of the tw...
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Dev Update #96
June 25, 2021
The Naughty Captain
How about a little Dev Update? Scene 7 is posed and queued for rendering. Scene 9 is half-written. Yes, scene 9. I had to skip scene 8 because, for some reasons, I couldn't work on it at the moment. S...
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Dev Update #95
June 19, 2021
The Naughty Captain
Sorry, I'm a bit late for that Dev Update. Scene 6 is fully posed. I had to rework a few shots because I decided at the last moment to change Kelly's outfit. Scene 6 is 109 shots in total. I wrote sce...
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Dev Update #94
June 11, 2021
The Naughty Captain
Not much to say this week. I'm still working on posing scene 6. So far, I've posed about 70% of the shots I've planned. I hope to finish it this weekend, maybe by Monday. A lot of the remaining shots...
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Dev Update #93
June 04, 2021
The Naughty Captain
Scene 4 and 5 are post-processed and coded. The script has been sent for proofreading. The writing of scene 6 is done. The scene is 5000 words long. I initially planned to write much more than that, a...
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Dev Update #92
May 28, 2021
The Naughty Captain
Scene 4 and 5 are fully posed and rendered. I encountered a problem while rendering scene 5 and I had to re-render the whole scene with new settings but it's now corrected and I'm satisfied with the r...
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Dev Update #91
May 21, 2021
The Naughty Captain
Scene 3 is rendered, post-processed and coded. It's now on the desk of my proofreader. Scene 4 is fully posed and I'll render it overnight. I also finished writing scene 5 and I'm currently posing it...
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dev Update #90
May 14, 2021
The Naughty Captain
I'm done with posing scene 3 and Pc-Chan spent half the week rendering non-stop to get everything done. I couldn't work on the post-processing while rendering was going on, so I switched to writing to...
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Dev Update #89
May 07, 2021
The Naughty Captain
I'm still posing Scene 3. I had a couple of minor setbacks that made me lose some time. Nothing important but enough to be frustrating. My first problem is with asset quality. Kelly is getting a work...
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Dev Update #88
April 30, 2021
The Naughty Captain
The work on scene 2 is finished and the script has been sent to my proofreader. I've written and rewritten Scene 3. For now, it's about 3900 words long. I have a couple more ideas I may be adding in w...
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Dev Update #87
April 23, 2021
The Naughty Captain
Not much to say this week. The "new" scene 2 is almost complete. Every shot has been rendered and post-processed. I'm currently working on the code. The script will be ready for proofreading tomorrow...
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Dev Update #86
April 16, 2021
The Naughty Captain
Scene 2... is done. I finished posing and rendering it last weekend and I managed to handle the post-processing and the coding. The post-processing took a lot of time. I have 90 shots for scene 1+2 an...
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Dev Update #85
April 09, 2021
The Naughty Captain
I still have a small dozen of shots to pose and I'll be done with scene 2. I'll take care of it this weekend. The new mattress I use in the bedrooms proved a bit more problematic to use than I thought...
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Dev Update #84
April 02, 2021
The Naughty Captain
I finished reworking all the sets of the house. For now, I'm satisfied with the results. I'll probably have to tweak the light some more when I'll really render something, but I don't expect any bad s...
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Dev Update #83
March 26, 2021
The Naughty Captain
The rework of all the sets is going on. I've spent the whole week working on it. The kitchen is done. I'm pretty happy with the new set. That's the biggest set I assembled to date and it took quite so...
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Dev Update #82
March 19, 2021
The Naughty Captain
Again, I didn't make much progress on posing. To be honest, I haven't posed a single shot on scene 2. That doesn't mean I didn't work on the game, though. Last week, I talked a bit about image quality...
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Dev Update #81
March 12, 2021
The Naughty Captain
I h a v e n ' t m a d e m u c h p r o g r e s s t h i s w e e k . I started by upgrading all my female cast to a new generation of 3D model, which is mainly supposed to help to craft more natural-look...
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Dev Update #80
March 05, 2021
The Naughty Captain
Scene 1 and 2 are written. I'll probably rewrite a bit of both while posing but most of it should be definitive. Both scenes are linked and form a 4700 words combo. I worked on the environments and th...
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Dev Update #79
February 26, 2021
The Naughty Captain
S u m m e r S c e n t v 0 . 6 . I guess it's time to give a bit more information about Day 6 content. As I already said, I'm going to split the content of Day 6 into three parts. Balancing the three p...
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Summer Scent v0.5.5 Release
February 22, 2021
The Naughty Captain
A very short post to announce the release of Summer Scent v0.5.5 on! It is now available for download for pc, mac and android. Here is a short changelog Day 5 content Reworked the UI. Added an...
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Dev Update #78
February 19, 2021
The Naughty Captain
The achievement system. It is done! I've crafted my own Achievement system, with three levels of achievements. Some will be just a memorandum of an event, some will open some galleries or curated in-g...
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Dev Update #77
February 12, 2021
The Naughty Captain
About the UI. The UI is kind of finished. the style is defined and fixed and I have converted all element so that it fits the new design and colour scheme. I still have to work on the Achievement syst...
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Dev Update #76
February 05, 2021
The Naughty Captain
I didn't progress much on the outline of V0.6 this week. I have a pretty precise idea of the scene that will constitute the first part of the day but this needs way more work before I start working on...
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Dev Update #75
January 29, 2021
The Naughty Captain
The launch of V0.5 has been a bit intense and I have spent a large portion of the week responding to messages, emails and forums. Globally, that new version of Summer Scent has been very well received...
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Summer Scent V0.5 release
January 25, 2021
The Naughty Captain
Summer Scent V0.5 is now available for Sailing Masters on Patreon and SubscribeStar . It's been 8 months since the release of V0.4, and a long and bumpy road to get here. I need to thank you for your...
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Dev Update #74
January 22, 2021
The Naughty Captain
This update will be short as I'll make a bigger one on Monday. The beta test phase is mostly complete. My beta testers have found way more bugs and errors than I expected but it has all been solved. T...
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Dev Update #73
January 15, 2021
The Naughty Captain
It has been a very busy and intense week! The work on V0.5 continues. Post-processing is done. Unless I found something to correct, I have reviewed every render. I'm currently testing and tweaking the...
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Dev Update #72
January 08, 2021
The Naughty Captain
The posing for scene 25 is done. A few shots have yet to be rendered, It'll be done tomorrow while I'll be coding scene 25. Here is a list of what remains to be done before I can release v0.5 : Correc...
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Dev Update #71
January 01, 2021
The Naughty Captain
Scene 25! Writing is done. I'm posing it. I've done roughly 60% of it with about 40 shots posed. I hope to finish it this week. I'm also doing some rewriting but nothing major. So... I should finish t...
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Dev Update #70
December 25, 2020
The Naughty Captain
Scene 24 is complete. Rewriting, posing, rendering, and coding are done. I'm working on Scene 25. The last scene of V0.5. I wanted to write it this week but I couldn't finish it, mainly because of Chr...
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Dev Update #69
December 18, 2020
The Naughty Captain
I haven't finished rewriting and posing scene 24 but I'm almost there. I still have around six hundreds words of the script to review and post but the most difficult part (aka the "action" part) is co...
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Dev Update #68
December 11, 2020
The Naughty Captain
The work on scene 23 & 24 is still going on. I've finished rewriting and posing Scene 23. I've also scripted it and I've sent it to my proof-reader. It got a bit bigger, and I made a few more renders...
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Dev Update #67
December 04, 2020
The Naughty Captain
I'm still working on posing Scene 23 & 24. So far, I've posed 55 shots, covering the common introduction to both scenes and the entirety of the first variant of scene 23. Just like for Cassie love sce...
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Dev Update #66
November 27, 2020
The Naughty Captain
Scene 23 and 24 are written. For now, it's 9300 words long, separated into four sections: three for the sub path (scene 23), and one for the love path (scene 24). Some rewrite will probably happen dur...
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Dev Update #65
November 20, 2020
The Naughty Captain
Scene 22 is posed, rendered, and scripted. With that scene, V0.5 has passed the 800 renders mark. I'm now working on writing Scene 23 AND Scene 24. These are the two events for Eve in V0.5. They're ac...
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Dev Update #64
November 13, 2020
The Naughty Captain
Scene 22 writing is done. It's 7600 words long, split into three different versions. It's... a bit longer than what I expected but I'm happy with it. I'm now working on posing that scene. I think it w...
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Dev Update #63
November 06, 2020
The Naughty Captain
Scene 21 posing is done. The rendering is complete, and I also scripted it. It's now in the capable hands of my proofreader. It was pretty intense to write and pose. But I think that the results are g...
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Dev Update #62
October 30, 2020
The Naughty Captain
I'm still working on scene 21. I finished writing it. The whole thing is 5550 words long, separated in three different versions. I've started posing it a few days ago already and it takes forever. I'v...
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Dev Update #61
October 23, 2020
The Naughty Captain
Scene 20 is posed, rendered scripted and has been sent to my proofreader. I'm currently writing Scene 21. What can I say about it? Well, it's on Cassie's love path. There are two versions of it. I've...
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Dev Update #60
October 16, 2020
The Naughty Captain
I've finished posing and rendering Scene 19. It will need some added work in post-processing but I'm satisfied with the results. I've also coded the scene and sent it to my proofreader. Scene 20 is wr...
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Dev Update #59
October 09, 2020
The Naughty Captain
The coding of scenes 15 to 18 went smoothly and everything has been sent to my proofreader. I've also applied his corrections on scene 7 and 8. Scene 19 is written. It's 3000 words long. A bit more th...
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Dev Update #58
October 03, 2020
The Naughty Captain
Sorry for the late Dev Update, I wanted to finish posing scene 18 before reporting. Scene 18 has gotten far larger than what I expected. With more than 7000 words and 88 shots, it's the biggest scene...
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Dev Update #57
September 26, 2020
The Naughty Captain
Scene 18 is written. I'm not gonna lie, it's a lot bigger than what I had planned. With 7000 words long it's one of the biggest scenes of V0.5 for now. I don't think there'll be much rewriting on it u...
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Dev Update #56
September 18, 2020
The Naughty Captain
Scene 17 is posed and rendered. I have mixed feelings with the results. The quality of the renders is ok, but the assets I used in the scene aren't the best. Sadly, I didn't find anything better. I'm...
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Dev Update #55
September 11, 2020
The Naughty Captain
Scene 16 posing is done and the whole scene is half rendered. It would be completely done if I hadn't made a mistake on every single shot. I've corrected it and rerendered the scene from scratch. Gett...
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Dev Update #54
September 04, 2020
The Naughty Captain
Scene 15 posing is done, and rendering is still ongoing. I'm rendering overnight. And I think I still have a couple of night of rendering before it's fully complete. Scene 16 is written. It's a pretty...
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Dev Update #53
August 28, 2020
The Naughty Captain
Scene 14 is posed and fully rendered. It was already almost finished for last dev update so it's not really a big surprise. I've coded Scene 11, 12, 13 and 14 and I've sent them to my proofreader. And...
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Dev Update #52
August 21, 2020
The Naughty Captain
Scene 14! I worked on posing Scene 14 the entire week. The girls are having a change of swimsuits and finding some adequate assets wasn't as easy as it seems. Turns out there's a lot of bikinis availa...
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Dev Update #51
August 14, 2020
The Naughty Captain
Scene 14 is written. For now, it's the biggest scene of V0.5 with more than 4500 words. It's a big scene with 5 different variants. I've already made some heavy rewriting but I'm not 100% satisfied wi...
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Dev Update #50
August 08, 2020
The Naughty Captain
Scene 13 posing is done and the scene is fully rendered. I still have some corrections to do on it but essentially, it's done. I tried to make Eve and Cassie blush and I encountered some problems with...
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Dev Update #49
July 31, 2020
The Naughty Captain
Scene 11 is posed and fully rendered. Scene 12 is written and posed. It's a very short one. More of a transition between two more important parts than a true scene. As a consequence, it was pretty eas...
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Dev Update #48
July 24, 2020
The Naughty Captain
Weeks are definitely too short. Scenes up to 10 are now coded and sent to my proofreader. He has already corrected the first three scenes but I have yet to apply the corrections on the script. Scene 1...
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Dev Update #47
July 17, 2020
The Naughty Captain
Posing and Coding The posing and rendering of scene 10 are done. It took me more time than I expected. And I ended up making more render than what I first envisioned. But it's done. I've started codin...
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Dev Update #46
July 10, 2020
The Naughty Captain
I don't have much to say, so this will be a pretty short dev update. Scene 10 writing is complete. Scene 8 and 9 are fully posed. Scene 8 was rather long while scene 9 was very short. Scene 8 is also...
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Dev Update #45
July 03, 2020
The Naughty Captain
Scenes 8, 9, and two-third of Scene 10 are written. I hope to finish the last part of scene 10 this weekend. The rendering of Scene 7 is complete. I've also spent some time building a new location. I...
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Dev Update #44
June 26, 2020
The Naughty Captain
Scene 7 is finally done. I've spent almost two weeks working on it, creating new characters and locations, try new assets, writing and posing it, but it's finally done. It has been quite the wild ride...
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Dev Update #43
June 19, 2020
The Naughty Captain
I've spent the week working on posing and character design. Scene 5 and 6 are fully posed and rendered. Without surprises nor difficulties, these two scenes were easy to deal with. Scene 7, however, i...
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Dev Update #42
June 11, 2020
The Naughty Captain
I've spent the week writing. As a consequence, scenes 5, 6, and 7 are now written and Day 5 content has passed the 15.5 k words. Scene 7 is a very special one and I need to take very special care of i...
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Dev Update #41
June 04, 2020
The Naughty Captain
The posing of Scene 4 took longer than I expected. There wasn't any difficulty, I just ended making more shots than I first envisioned. However, It's done. Scene 4 is now fully posed and it will rende...
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Dev Update #40
May 28, 2020
The Naughty Captain
I worked and still work on posing. As expected, Scene 1 was difficult to deal with, but it's done. I've spent several days on it. Scene 2 was much easier to pose. I'm currently working on Scene 3. As...
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Dev Update #39
May 21, 2020
The Naughty Captain
I don't have much to say this week. I finished writing Scenes 1 to 4. The word count is now about 9500 words. I'm mostly happy with what I wrote. I still may rewrite some part of it at some point but...
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Dev Update #38
May 13, 2020
The Naughty Captain
Here is a very short update. I'm writing. I reworked my story map again and added a couple scenes so that some events will make more sense. So there are now 21 scenes on Day 5. Scenes 1 and 2 are writ...
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Dev Update #37 & Release
May 07, 2020
The Naughty Captain
Day 5. The outline and the mapping of day 5 are done. I'll probably still change a few things as I'll write the scenes but for now, I'm happy with what I envisioned. Day 5 will consist of 19 scenes (m...
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Dev Update #36
April 30, 2020
The Naughty Captain
Now that Summer Scent V0.4.1 is released I'm back working on Day 5 content. Beware of spoilers. I'm not completely satisfied with the outline I wrote. There's a couple of scenes I need to rethink. For...
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Summer Scent V0.4.1
April 22, 2020
The Naughty Captain
Here is the release. It's V0.4.1 and it's available for level 2 supporters , on Subscribestar and Patreon . It will be available on starting May. A quick changelog : Some typos have been corre...
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Dev Update #35
April 14, 2020
The Naughty Captain
Heya! It's done. V0.4 is out for early access on Subscribestar and Patreon . Release on : Starting May. A few words about this release. It's the biggest release so far. The game size is now fl...
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Dev Update #34
April 09, 2020
The Naughty Captain
Heya! As promised, this will be the last dev update before Early access for V0.4. The script is fully corrected. Scene 18/19 renders are done. I'm currently reviewing the entire code, line by line, tw...
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Dev Update #33
April 02, 2020
The Naughty Captain
A quick update on the development of Summer Scent Day 4. There is not much to say. As I explained in my last update I didn't work on the renders of scenes 18/19. I focused on preparing and coding all...
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Dev Update #32
March 26, 2020
The Naughty Captain
Hello. The situation here with the covid 19 related lockdown is getting pretty absurd. We now have to wait in line for hours just to get in a shop. Shelves are still mostly empty. Some hoarders are st...
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Dev Update #31
March 19, 2020
The Naughty Captain
Heya! It has been a very strange week here in France. As you may know, the whole country is on lockdown due to the covid 19 outbreak. The lockdown doesn't really impair my ability to work but it makes...
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Dev Update #30
March 11, 2020
The Naughty Captain
Heya! Once again, I couldn't fulfill all of my objectives for the week. Scene 15 renders are done, Scene 16 is fully written and I'm halfway done with its posing. It's a 4000 words scene with two diff...
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Dev Update #29
March 04, 2020
The Naughty Captain
Heya! I couldn't work on the game this weekend, as a consequence, I couldn't advance as much as I wanted. I changed the order of the scenes. I said in my last update that scene 15 was supposed to be E...
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Dev Update #28
February 26, 2020
The Naughty Captain
Scene 13 and 14 are written, posed and mostly rendered. I'm not completely happy with some renders (specifically close ups) where the skins of the characters don't look really good. I tried a lot of t...
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Dev Update #27
February 19, 2020
The Naughty Captain
Heya! All scenes from 1 to 12 are written, posed and will be completely rendered tonight. There's a total of 262 renders for these 12 scenes. Remains the 7 last H-scenes. I've started writing and posi...
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Dev Update #26
February 12, 2020
The Naughty Captain
Heya! It's time for a progress report. Scene 1 to 9 are written and rendered. I had a little problem with Cassie swimsuit and had to correct and rerender a couple dozen pictures but I'm pretty happy w...
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Dev Update #25
February 04, 2020
The Naughty Captain
A quick development update. V0.4 will contain 12 scenes + 6 final naughty scenes Right now, only scenes 1 to 5 are written and rendered. Scene 6 to 10 are written. I hope to finish the posing of Scene...
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Dev Update #24
January 28, 2020
The Naughty Captain
It's time for our weekly update on the development of Summer Scent. On the render front : Scene 4 is posed and rendering should finish tonight. It should already be finished but daz decided to spend 8...
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Dev Update #23
January 21, 2020
The Naughty Captain
Hey, here is dev update #23! Work on Day 4 content continues. Scene 3 is fully rendered, scene 5 is written. I'm currently working on posing scene 4. Scene 5 will be an easy scene to pose and render...
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Dev Update #22
January 13, 2020
The Naughty Captain
Here comes the time of the weekly dev update! Scene 2 is fully rendered. Scene 3 and 4 are written. I'm currently working on scene 3 posing. Just like scene 2, scene 3 is a complicated scene with seve...
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Dev Update #21
January 06, 2020
The Naughty Captain
A quick point on what I'm working on right now : Let's be honest, the last 2 weeks haven't been the most productive. I managed to get some things done but it's far from satisfying. Luckily for me, the...
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Dev Update #20 - Summer Scent V0.3.5 release
December 30, 2019
The Naughty Captain
Heya ! Summer Scent V0.3.5 is now available. As said in my previous Dev Update, there is no new content in V0.3.5. This update is mainly about a reworked GUI. Here is the changelog again : V0.3.5 Chan...
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Dev Update #19
December 23, 2019
The Naughty Captain
V0.3.5. is available for Level 3 supporters on Patreon and SubscribeStar . It'll come to in about a week. There is no new content in V0.3.5. What is new? New GUI. I tried to make something cle...
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Dev Update #18 - V0.3 release
December 17, 2019
The Naughty Captain
V0.3 is now available! The free demo version of Summer Scent also has been upgraded to V0.2.1. Whatever version of the game you are playing, don't hesitate to leave a comment here or on discord to sha...
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Dev Update #17
December 13, 2019
The Naughty Captain
My level 3 supporters seem to have greatly appreciated the content of V0.3 and honestly, it makes me pretty happy. Positive feedbacks are very motivating. I'm currently working on a new GUI. Here is a...
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Dev Update #16 - V0.3 Early Access
December 10, 2019
The Naughty Captain
V0.3 is now available to download for level 3 patrons and subscribers! It will be available on in 7 days. Change Log : Day 3 content is here. Day 3 consists of 338 new renders and 4450 lines o...
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Dev Update #15
December 04, 2019
The Naughty Captain
Rendering Eve's last scene took a bit more time than I thought it would but it's done. I still didn't touch post-processing but I worked the code instead, and it's almost finished. I think that I have...
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Dev Update #14
November 29, 2019
The Naughty Captain
Quick update. I finished posing Eve's second conclusion scene. Renders should be done by tomorrow morning. One more scene to pose and render and after a couple more days of coding, postprocessing, and...
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Dev Update #13
November 25, 2019
The Naughty Captain
A really quick update : Cassie's scenes are fully written and rendered. Eve's scenes are written, the first and shortest scene is rendered. The render included in this post is from Eve's second scene...
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Dev Update #12
November 20, 2019
The Naughty Captain
Heya! Here is a quick update : There will be 6 conclusion scenes in v0.3. 3 for Cassie, and 3 for Eve. Cassie's scenes are fully written and 2 are already rendered. I'm working on the renders of the t...
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Dev Update #11
November 14, 2019
The Naughty Captain
My estimation in the last dev update was pretty accurate. What is done : Scenes 1 to 11 are written, rendered and coded. For now, V03 contains 2500 lines of codes and dialogues and 209 renders. What r...
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Dev Update 10
November 07, 2019
The Naughty Captain
What is done : Scenes 1 to 7 are written, rendered and coded. Scene 8 is written and coded, rendering is ongoing. Scene 9 and 10 are almost written and the rendering should be easy. I think I can have...
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Dev Update #9
October 31, 2019
The Naughty Captain
I've lost a lot of time on the renders for the fourth scene. First, the lighting was bad and simply disgusting (as I should have expected from light bouncing on pink and red walls). Second, I encounte...
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Dev Update #8
October 25, 2019
The Naughty Captain
Here is a quick update on the development of V0.3 Scenes 1,2 and 3 are fully written, rendered and coded. Scene 4 is fully written and coded, and I'm currently working on the renders. I hope to finish...
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Dev Update #7
October 18, 2019
The Naughty Captain
I've changed my workflow a bit. For this update, I decided to write the dialogues and work on the renders at the same time. To be honest, I'm not really searching to optimize my workflow for productio...
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Dev Update #6
October 10, 2019
The Naughty Captain
I'm currently writing Day 3. I already fully drafted it and I'm now writing the dialogues. This update will take the action outside the house and introduce 2 new characters. The cast will then be comp...
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Summer Scent Day 2 is available.
October 07, 2019
The Naughty Captain
Summer Scent V0.2 is now available for Mac and PC. It covers the story up to the end of Day 2. The plot thickens as Jack has to make his first decisive choices which leads to different developments wi...
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Summer Scent Demo V0.1.1
October 05, 2019
The Naughty Captain
The demo version of the game has been updated from v0.1 to v0.1.1 with some dialogue being rewritten and images being compressed. The version available here is now the uncensored version. Feedbacks ar...
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Dev update #5
October 01, 2019
The Naughty Captain
Writing and coding Day 2 took more time than I thought it would. I have only one scene left and Day 2 will be complete. It's the most important scene and the conclusion of Day 2 with 3 different versi...
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Dev Update #4
September 23, 2019
The Naughty Captain
I'm still working on Day 2. Three scenes are already completed, scripted and coded. Six more to go and Day 2 will be done. I still hope to finish it by the end of the week. In this update, MC has some...
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Dev Update #3
September 23, 2019
The Naughty Captain
A quick update on the development of SummerScent. I have one last scene to work on and render. I hope I can finish it this weekend so I can concentrate on the code and the writing of the dialogues. I'...
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An update on the ongoing development.
September 05, 2019
The Naughty Captain
I'm still working on the renders for Day 2. For now I have 99 renders done, covering 5 scenes. I still have 4 more scenes to include in this update. Work is going smoothly but rendering still takes a...
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Day 2 advancement.
August 23, 2019
The Naughty Captain
The development is underway. I finished rendering the first scene of the next version. I already have a script and a storyboard for the whole game but I' m writing the scenes and the dialogues at the...
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