Dev Update #207

The posing of Day 2 scene 1 is done.

It took a bit longer than I expected, mostly because Eve's nightshirt takes pretty long to simulate. Rendering is on hold until the nights get cooler. I'm not overly worried about it.

I started working on Day 2 scene 10.

That's Eve's night scene, in the living room. I haven't started to rewrite it yet, I'm first trying to solve another issue. In the original version of the scene, Eve is watching "movies" in the living room. To illustrate these movies I used screenshots from real movies. And that's an issue when you want to publish your game on Steam. So this has to change. I have to produce my own images to show on the tv screen. With that in mind, I've been hunting assets and trying things for the last two days.

Depending on the path you chose, Eve either watches an adult movie or a classic black-and-white film.

The former was easy to solve because. I found the characters I needed and I already had an appropriate environment. The set works pretty well and I'm happy with it. For the latter, though, it's a different story.

I found some assets for the environment but I'm not really satisfied with it. I have characters, but I couldn't find any outfit fitting the period I had in mind. Idem with the hairs.

The idea was to recreate the movie scenes in Daz but It might prove exceedingly difficult. For now, I can't even manage to reproduce that "old movie" feel I need.

I'll probably try to find a simpler setting with fewer characters. If I reduce the amount of assets needed, It will be easier to find what I need.

There is another scene later in the game (on Day 5 actually) that also shows some old movies screenshots. I have to partially rework it too (only the tv part, for now, a full rework will have to wait). The challenge is essentially the same. I actually didn't anticipate it to be that difficult.

Maybe I shouldn't give too much importance to that part and simply cheese it. It probably doesn't have to look perfect. Will the player even care about what is displayed on the TV?

As Steve said: Yolo. Maybe he was right all along.

The quick sum up :

  • Day 6 Part 4 will contain 2 new scenes: scenes 26 and 27
  • Day 6 Part 4 will contain 2 reworked scenes from Day 2: Scenes 1 and 10
  • Day 2, scene 1 has been rewritten and posed.
  • 4200 words so far.
  • 135 shots are planned, 135 are posed, and 105 are rendered.
  • I'm working on Day 2 Scene 10.

Thank you for your support!

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If it's in B&W and kinda accurate, I'd be more than happy about it. Should be possible to find license-free images that appear to be from that time period and just need to be converted to B&W. Like this:

Looking forward to the continuation! Keep up the good work!


Thank you for the ressources, I'll look into it !

(1 edit)

I can say that this user definitely doesn't care about the images being displayed on the TV.  Maybe look for screenshots of films that are now in the public domain.  Anyway, I'm loving the game!  Keep up the great work!

The movie displayed is actually public-domain, but i've been told it can still annoy Steam.
But you are right. The tv isn't probably that important. 

Thank you!

Could you ask other game devs on Itch (maybe ones who are having a hard time getting on to Steam) if they would want to share parts of a "scene" and put them in the credits? It could be a win-win, they get visibility, you get a "movie" without having to do extra rendering.

I'll see. I have a couple of ideas that could be interesting to try. With a bit of rewrite, it could work.