Dev Update #248

Day 6 Scene 28.

Some progress on the posing. I've posed 59 shots over the 180 planned, so a third of the scene is ready to be rendered. The previews look good so far. I will start rendering this weekend.


I wrote all the necessary content for the store page. And I'm not satisfied. I feel like it's not descriptive enough, not enticing enough. Of course, that isn't an objective point of view. There are some things I need to correct but most of the issue here is about me. Because I'll never be satisfied, especially when it comes to something that important. Over the years, I made a lot of progress in letting go of the idea of perfection and going with the "good enough" instead. This is just harder than usual because it's about something rather important.

I'm not even sure that most of this content is that important anyway.

I have no doubt that the core description of the game is critical, but what about the "early access" part? When you buy a game on Steam, how many of you, and how often do you read the "early access" part of a store page? 

I need to produce some dedicated art for the capsules. The image I use doesn't fit nicely in all the required sizes. I'm not sure I'll be able to fit the three girls in there. I will have to choose one. Eve, being the most popular love interest, would be the logical choice.

And I just realized that I need a video to use as an introduction. I'm gonna have to contract someone for that as I have absolutely no idea how to do that.

The quick sum up :

  • Day 6 Part 5 will contain 2 new scenes: scenes 28 and 29.
  • Day 6 Part 5 will contain 1 reworked scene: Day 2, scene 2.
  • 5378 words of new content so far.
  • 180 shots are planned, 59 are posed.
  • I'm currently posing scene 28.

You can follow my progress on this Trello board.

Thank you for your support!

The Naughty Captain

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Good luck on making the video and the game- you can do it! Keep up the amazing work as always!!


Thank you for your encouragement!