Dev Update #290

Painful and slow, that's how I would describe the past week. I didn't progress much in terms of shot posed despite working pretty much full-time on the game.


I've posed two new loops for scene 31. I'm not quite satisfied with the results but I'm considering using them nonetheless. There are a couple of things I'm going to try in order to improve them, but the truth is that I've already invested so much time into these two loops that I feel like I'm wasting time.

I had an issue with the interpolation going haywire on one of my loops, leading to crazy and horrifying results. It took some time to understand what was going on and how to solve the problem. It was quite educative, however, and I do feel like I'm learning and progressing in the animation department. It has become quite obvious however that I'm spending most of my time struggling against the limitations of the software rather than my own skills.

Daz's animation tool is very bad. I knew that, but I had no idea how bad we were really talking about. The fact that you can't even really preview your animation is painful and counterproductive. If I want to preview a 2-second loop, I have to spend 3 hours rendering it at a quality so low that I can barely understand what is going on. Of course, I'm only rendering during downtimes, but it's still a humongous waste of time. I'll probably try Blender again after that update. Maybe I missed something.


I didn't progress much as the poses I had to deal with were quite time-consuming to set up, but the good news is that I'm now done with the difficult shots. There might be a handful of more complex shots left, there and there, but the bulk of it is behind us and I should now progress faster.

Next week, I should be able to work full-time on the game again. Hopefully with greater results, this time. I still have a bit of work to do on the animations but most of my time should go into posing stills.

The quick sum up :

  • Day 6 Part 6 will contain 3 new scenes: scenes 30, 31, and 32.
  • Day 6 Part 6 will contain 1 reworked scene: Day 2, scene 3.
  • Day 6 scene 30 is fully written, posed, rendered, and proofread. Post-processing and coding stage #2 is almost done.
  • Day 6 scene 31 is fully written and cut. Posing is ongoing.
  • 11 374 words of new content so far.
  • 335 shots are planned, 266 are posed, 223 are rendered.
  • 5 animations have been posed. 180 / 330 frames rendered, 120 post-processed.
  • I'm currently posing Scene 31.

You can follow my progress on this Trello board.

Thank you for your support!

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animations are so much of a pain in the ass.  I’ll try again before I do any releases, but yeah. I feel your pain for sure.  

Especially when you're using Daz. And the thing is, I don't see them improving their tools unless they completely rework their software from the ground. And that will never happen. That's a shame, really.