Dev Update #285


I wrote quite a bit this week. More than I planned, actually. I finished the second draft for scene 31. But at now 5800 words, I feel like it lacks a bit of rhythm and balance. Some parts are dragging a bit too much while some others could use to take a few more sentences to settle. I'll have one final round of editing and rewriting, most likely this week end, and the script should be ready for the next step starting next week. The word count will most likely roughly stay the same.

I obviously haven't cut the scene yet, but with 5.8k words, I will most likely need about 200 shots to properly illustrate it. I do want to add a couple of animations in that scene too, but the posing might be challenging. We'll see when we'll get to that point.

All the remaining scenes for Day 6 are about sex, romance, and in a way, growing up. The script is pretty intense but I have good hopes to make something good. My only worry so far lies with the animations. But I know I'll eventually get decent in that field. I just need to practice.

I have come to terms with the difference in lighting between the old and the new Daz. With a project so big, and taking so much time to develop, differences in style and technology are inevitable. There is nothing I can do about it. I have to do my best to accept it, adapt, and move on.

The quick sum up :

  • Day 6 Part 6 will contain 3 new scenes: scenes 30, 31, and 32.
  • Day 6 Part 6 will contain 1 reworked scene: Day 2, scene 3.
  • Day 6 scene 30 is fully written and rendered.
  • 11 034 words of new content so far.
  • 149 shots are planned, 149 are posed, 149 are rendered.
  • 2 animations have been posed. 120 / 120 frames rendered.
  • I'm currently writing scene 31.

You can follow my progress on this Trello board.

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Thank you for your support!

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