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Hey, i realy appreciate your work so far. Unbeliveable how many different ways of the story you are able to put in and every twitch makes sense and in every twitch is so much effort to see. Never had a game that style that astonished me more. Now my question. In the pathfinder there are 3 Mystical Path shown. I already tried all kinds of ways to hit on 1 of these without any luck. They already exist or is there any hint how to find them? I guess is a numeros of answers you have to do in the right way to open than but till yet i was unlucky with that. Can you give help with that in any way? Thx a lot.

Hello. Thank you for playing my game!

As of v0.6.3, the three "mysterious paths" haven't branched from the other paths yet. They will be "unveiled" as soon as they have some proper unique and dedicated content.


Ok, thx for your answer. Than i dont need to search for it right now like crazy ;).  im curious a lot for next updates what else will happen in all these stories.

You're very welcome.
The night will be eventful, but I will need some time to develop it.

(1 edit)

I have a billing question. I mistakenly bought this at 3$ instead of 5$. Then bought it again for the remaining 2$, but I still can't download the newest version. Edit* forgot to add the question. How can I get the two purchases combined so that I can get the newest version?

I sent a discord in general channel. But if you have a spare sec just dm me :) looking forward to playing the game!

We'll see what we can do! 😉


question is their pregnancy in Summer Scent?  

(1 edit)

No. The whole story will represent 9 days. If pregnancy happens, it will be in an ending. So far, I haven't planned anything like that.


if there was hope its a cassie ending after all cassie is my favorite haha

Who knows ?


Hello. Thanks you for your amazing work, its been 2 weeks since i have downloaded this game and it still cant make me bored. When i first played it, it disappoints me. But after trying more options, I managed to play in all paths and i was like "Holy mother of fcking god". I had never imagined that adult game would contain so much emotions, and that script is like  a fireee. Is there any way that I can suppoet your work and get more updates? If there is, then please tell me.

Well, I'm glad you liked my game!

You can support me and Summer Scent through Patreon ( or Subscribe Star (

The last version of the game, however, is already available here on Itch.
The next release won't happen before a few months.

Deleted 1 year ago

For now, you cannot. But maybe in the future...

wow, the ending was so sad but so good. Nice job i hope to see more of this game.

and why did you make the ending so sad, it left me heartbroken

Thank you.
It's a "bad ending". I wanted it that way. Other endings won't be that harsh.

is there a discord or somewhere where i can follow the updates

Yes there is :




Has the discord channel changed? Can't add your channel to my feed


Will the new update also be on android?

I found a way to make a build. However, I'm not sure it will be compatible with your previous saves. I have a few things to fix to make it work properly. I'll release it next week.

Any chance of non-3rd party files in the works? This game looks like it'd be good, but I want it on my Steam Deck.


I'm currently working on making the game Steam compatible. It's one of the focus of the version I'm currently working on. But I'm afraid it won't be available on Steam before a few months.

Oh, perfect. No worries, I'll just have to wait a bit, but I'm happy to hear it's in the works. Besides Steam itself, will it be verified/playable on the Steam Deck, too?

(1 edit)

I have no way to test it on a steam deck but it should be fully playable on that device.


Awesome. No worries. I'll just have to wait and see, and hope for the best. Thanks.


Anybody know what the three mystery routes are?


is there a game guide or walkthrough to get to all of the different endings?  I saw a list somewhere of the possible endings, can't find it again.

The game is still in development and there are no endings for now, aside from a bad one.

The last version of the game includes a walkthrough mode.

why is the bad ending what you did first so people stay tuned to see the harem ending ?? if there isn't, there's no reason for me to keep playing it.

I'm sorry, what ?

How many endings does the game currently have. I always get the bad ending. had hoped there would be an end to the harem but so far not. I also looked for a walkthrough but couldn't find one. I don't know what has changed in the last updates but the ending is probably the same as it was 1 or 2 years ago when I played it for the first time. 

As of the last version available, v0.6.3, there are no endings aside from the bad one.

The game is still in development and I progress each path at the same time.

The bad ending happens on the morning of day five. In v0.6.3, all paths have progressed up to day 6, end of the afternoon. Most paths will end on day 9.

V0.6.3 includes a walkthrough mode that you can activate from the preference screen.


I found the "bad" ending by mistake, and let me tell you, it threw me.  Wow!

I plan to add more bad endings, but none will be as brutal as this one.

where and when can we get this version?

2nd game today that when I purchase it gives me an error saying purchase not completed but Paypal is billing me. Both Games this and The Awakening are in EU and require an address to be filled out for some legal reason. Is it awaiting the game creator to verify to release the download?

No. The game should be available immediately as long as you payed the required sum. That sounds like an Itch problem. Contact me on discord so we can look at this together.

(1 edit)

Is there a way to play it on Android? Or do I have to start my progress over on the PC? Also when is it going to become free if at all? If not that's okay I'd definitely pay! 

About Android: I don't know.

I couldn't produce a working Android build for v0.6.2R and v0.6.3 because of a library bug. I'm still looking into it but I cannot promise I'll be able to compile a functioning build.

So far, you should be able to play it with Joiplay. But I don't think you'll have any compatibility with saves coming from a native build.

I consider Summer Scent like a PC game. The Mac and eventual Android builds are bonuses. The reason is simple: I cannot be sure that I will be able to produce a Mac or Android build with every release.

The game will never become free. I plan to release it on Steam in a few months.

Deleted 1 year ago

Amazing game but i have a question in a moment we see "Jaye" the redhead girl and i see her in a game but i dont remember the name its possible to have the name of the game where she from ? Thank you 

Hello. i'm glad you like Summer Scent. Jaye comes from Chasing Sunsets, by Stone Fox Studios.


When i saw this game and started playing and got to where Cassie leaves i thought it was going to be like she comes back i was not expecting what happend to happen the way you wrote it is so realistic as to what would happen not all happy endings as in life cant wait fo more 

I'm glad you liked it !


it really blew me away i cant wait for more its like a breath of realism 

The next episode is currently available on Patreon and Subscribe Star. I'll publish it on Itch in a couple of weeks.

(1 edit) (+1)(-1)

Really big potential for this one. The writing is very realistic and emotionally intelligent, i rarely get into the story of any of these games but on this you don't want to hit the auto button at all. W game.


Thank you for playing Summer Scent !


Another name for this game should be called, Depression: The Video Game. Everybody dealing with some heavy stuff that could easily be dealt by a therapist instead of recently graduated high school student.


Well, I wouldn't give it such an explicit title, but it is not far from the truth. All the characters are clearly broken in one way or another.

Да в игру будет музыка добавлена?

Music will be added to the game at some point. It's something I'm working on.
Here is a link to my discord channel :

привет спасибо 

Hi, the mega file still doesn't download ( app says it is downloading but effective notification isn't there.. Help?

That sounds like a mega problem. I'm not sure I can do much about it. Do you have issues downloading other games from that host ? Which version of the game are you trying to download ?

I download mostly from mega, never had that problem, I'm trying to download the android version 

I managed to download it without issue. Is the problem still ongoing ?

I haven't tried again, I'll try in a bit and let you know, thanks in advance

Tried again, both with the browser version and app version, still nothing :c

Contact me on discord. We'll see what we can do.

Привет у вас есть дискорд канал

Making you name the female characters and then writing the story like that is nefarious, jesus.

I removed the option of renaming Eve and Cassie after v0.5.5.  I'm not sure that will ease your experience though.




When it's ready.


like for what date? of the update


I don't know !

Hi question, will this be a harem ending, or will we be able to romance multiple women, but have to make a choice on who we want to stay with at the conclusion of the story?


There will be no true harem in Summer Scent. On several paths, you will be able to romance both Eve and Cassie at the same time, with different outcomes. I have no plans to add a happy harem (Eve + Cassie + Kelly) ending.


Bruh, mega. Can't download. Great.

Sorry for the inconvenience!

How much this game weights?

The last build is about 3.5 gb.


But what about the android?

I haven't been able to make a working android build for v0.6.2R.



Really amazing work! Any plans to bring version 0.6.2R to Android?


Thank you!
Sadly. I tried and failed to produce an android build for v0.6.2R.

I will try again with the next update but my hopes are pretty low.

Alas! Does that mean the game stops at day 5 on android? 

btw, there seem to be some websites claiming to have an .apk for v0.6.2. I downloaded one out of desperation (eek) and so far the only change I've noticed is the names reverting to Cassie and Eve. I haven't finished the story yet, but I haven't seen any sign of the lighthouse mode you mentioned elsewhere. Sorry if that's a bit random but I thought you might find it interesting to hear


For now, and the foreseeable future, yes.

I have a working v0.6.2 android build, but I removed it from itch as I'm not sure I'll be able to provide an android build for future updates.

I removed the option to rename the girls in v0.6.1 and the lighthouse mode comes with v0.6.2R. 

Aw. Sorry to hear that but wishing you the best for the rest of the game. If it's as well written as it has been so far then we're in for something special

Thank you !

(2 edits)

Look I know this is a branching story but I still have to ask is harem possible?


There is no harem path. However, there are paths in which you can romance more than one love interest at a time.


That's good enough thank you ☺️ 

You're welcome !

Its such a difficult choice for me, kayla or ana, tough call. Means its good in my opinion. What route did every one else go?

Hey! First of all, thanks for putting so much passion in this work, I really appreciate the variety of content (I'm very hyped for both the sub paths and the dom paths) and the fact that the relationships with the different protagonists don't just proceed on parallel lines, but instead actually have an impact on the story.

There's a small bug in day 4, [SPOILERS AHEAD] according to the save file I'm currently on the "eve sub love + cassie dom" path, and I just unlocked two relevant scenes for the day, but in the Achievements gallery the wrong one is unlocked for Cassie ("Don't worry, Darling"), whereas the Eve scene is the correct one.

Thanks again for the great work!

Thank you for your feedback. I'll look into that.
I'm glad you like the game !


If I have only one gripe about the game it's the fact that the saves don't keep the names you give them if you try to save in that slot again. Even if you title it the exact same it doesn't copy the name. That is all. Everything else is amazing. The story is heartfelt and realistic in a way that you can forget that you aren't the MC at times and laugh, cry, and even get angry at the exact same stuff the MC does without it feeling like 'Oh I need to feel [Insert] now.' Really great work.


Thank you for your kind words. I'm glad you liked Summer Scent. I try very hard to convey Jack's emotions and overall confusion. I'm always happy to know I succeeded, even if only a little.

I'll look into the save naming thing. Maybe I can do something about it.

(1 edit) (+2)

This game is actually really dope in my honest opinion. Sure there's a lot to do to get an opportunity with the girls in game but it's realistic when it comes to this scenario in life. They aren't just random girls they're girls the main character has a history with, a fucked up one at that so having to earn their trust is a grind but I went for Eve and got some at the end of the last night. I also went the Cassie route my first play through but didn't like the dominant options with her 😅 all in all great game can't wait for the next update

Thank you for playing Summer Scent!

Cassie also has some sweeter content with an affection-based path. Spoiler though:  ultimately, whatever path you chose to walk, it's always about love.

I had a feeling.  In my second playthrough I was able to get her affection over 50 points with no dominant points but in doing so I got over 80 affection points and around 20 submissive points for Eve. I also received over 30 affection points for Kelly as well. I'm guessing the moment you choose between Eve & Cassie pretty early on dictates who takes to you faster?

Kelly will always be late to the party but you should be able to grow affection for both Eve and Cassie at a similar pace. If you do engage "romantically" with one or another, you will get significantly more affinity points. That being said, the affinity score is important, but what really matters are the choices you make.

when is the next update coming for this game?


I don't give eta anymore. Therefore the answer is "When it's ready". Sorry !

Hello! I am tremmi from tremmiGames! Interested in cross-post in itch :) Thank you!

Hello. Sorry but I'm not doing any cross promotion.


I think you're trying to draw people that just want to play a game about scouring with pretty girls and mislead them to tell a fucked up story. If I'm wrong, what's with the point system that is never used and don't tell me the story is not over because the game is like 5 hours and you get nothing more than a peck and a hug from to girls that clearly are into you. Just be honest like the Story you're trying to tell. o yeah and what's with the 2 large black men as rapest .cough bigget Cough


if u dont like the game this much just fuck off and stop being a whiny sensitive bitch who cant handle some real shit


The point system is actually used several times in the game and unlocks specific options.

The game is indeed not finished. It's just slightly more than halfway done. There are 18 different paths in the game. a majority of which leads to more than a "peck and a hug". You probably avoided them. And being kind doesn't mean they're into you.

However, you are right: Summer Scent isn't a fap game. If you're in for a quick solitary pleasure, you will be disappointed.

About the colour of Luke and Ray's skins. It has no meaning to me. Black is no different than white, blue, green or whatever. If you see something else in it, maybe the problems lie elsewhere. If you play the game, you will discover that they are more than simply "2 large black men as rapists".


I had a weird instinct when I started this game about how to name the PC. Naming him Dingus has been the gift that just keeps on giving.

I guess that's an efficient way to distance yourself from the story!

Deleted 1 year ago
Deleted 1 year ago

Steam release?


As soon as possible.


I've seen you say that there are 18 paths.... is one of those 18 paths happened to be called too much of a decent guy push over so never get laid path? Don't get me wrong the story is wonderful the art is well rendered and the girls are gorgeous. So regardless I wouldn't necessarily say it's not worth playing it definitely is for the story alone. Maybe they're just hasn't been much actual erotic content implemented yet otherwise it feels a little bit like the player gets punished for being kind and supportive.


Hey there.
There is a actually a neutral path in which Jack doesn't see much action and a couple others in which the action... is about to happen but hasn't yet. Maybe you're walking one of these paths.
I didn't plan on punishing anyone, even less for being kind and supportive.

Hi so I'm playing the game and it's amazing . Do you have discord.  I would love a walkthrough so that I know which choice to take for which path?


Hey there. You can join my discord server here
The last version of the game, v0.6.2R comes with a walkthrough mode that should give you the hints you're searching for.

Man, this is a gem. Great story, character design and dialogs, as well as multiple paths to follow. Maybe someone already asked about it (and if it's the case sorry to do it again), but do you ever plan to putting the game on Steam?


Hello there. thank you for your kind words.
I do plan to release on Steam, but it will take a while. I have several things to modify and correct to get the game  steam compliant.

Hey, man. Is there a way to get the game to run with the "true" characters relationships enabled?

Btw, congratulations. You are trully building a masterpiece here. Believe me, everything is in the right place!


Thank you !

There is a taboo patch available  here
I think that's what you are looking for.

I've found it, but does it work with Android version as well? I couldn't find a way to install it.

Sadly no. It won't work with the android version of the game.


Allright, thanks for the attention. And please, keep up with this marvellous work!


if its like any other lewd patch it 100% will work however youll need to connect your phone to your computer (or find an app that lets you dig through the internals) and manually place it in the games files

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