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Hey, donated $4.00 but I'm not able to download 0.6.2R version. I donated first $3.00, since that's what popped up, then another $1 when I noticed the price was 4.


Hello there. I can see your payments on my side but I can't find anyway to give you a definitive access to the paid version of the game.
Contact me on discord and we'll see what we can do.


it clearly says the price is $5

It was on sale, at the time. And the price tag was at $4.00.


As an update all resolved. Many thanks to TheNaughtyCaptain for going out of his way to make sure I got the right version.


You're welcome.

Snagging the update for a fiver! Looking forward to checking it out and the next update.  Best wishes. 

Thank you !

Deleted 2 years ago

The game isn't complete. For now, there is one early and avoidable bad ending included.

Deleted 2 years ago

Yes, once complete, the game should have about 20 different endings. Some will be positive, some will be negative, some will be inbetween.

Deleted post

Hello. I'm sorry to hear that.

Unfortunately, Mega is the only "reliable" host at a decent price available to me, at least for now.

If I could, I would host the game entirely on the Itch network but unfortunately I have long since exceeded their size limit and they don't answer my emails about it.

I'll try to contact them again but I have little hope.

With the size of the files and the number of monthly downloads that the game represents, my only alternative is professional hosting, which is way beyond my budget.

Deleted post

I also can not download from mega right now.

Some alternative download links would be very nice to have.

Maybe you do not know of any decent alternative upload sites, so here are some suggestions:

And finally as a last resort I have also encountered some games which were available from google drive links, but google also limits downloads, however unlike mega, it only counts how many times was the file downloaded recently, and blocks downloading only if "too many persons downloaded it recently" whatever that may mean to google.


I haven't tried Pixel drain, but I'm familiar with the other three. Mediafire and Workupload are insanely slow when accessed from my area. I did try those and with the current size of the game, it would take me days to upload the builds on these hosts.

I don't like Gofile as a downloading user. It behaves strangely at times.

I'll give Pixeldrain a look but I'm not really confident.

(1 edit)

Yeah, sadly I know how the upload/download speeds oddly differ depending in which country you are. The best would be if the itch staff would remove the upload limit on this game, so you could directly upload the game here, but of course nowadays itch support is rather unreachable, because they just ignore emails...

Anyway, thank you very very much for giving it a try for uploading the game to pixeldrain!



You're welcome.

I know of some other creator who managed to get in touch with Itch and actually got their hosting limit removed. Why Itch answered them and not me is a mystery. I can only keep trying from time to time.

Please use a supported method, so updates can be downloaded directly through the app.


I'll look into it but my previous attempt at Butler were a failure.

There were supported options!

But it's cold out there in the real world, and on an open platform, life happens, and they stray from The Good Workflow. Nevertheless, the app tries its best to get anything it can to run, within certain rules. TL;DR: if you cannot use butler, just upload a .zip.

I've downloaded several games through the app with more than 1GB. Including one that was over 20GB.


I use a zip format. As recommended.
However I cannot upload to Itch servers, because Itch apparently doesn't want to give me more space.
Therefore I use an external host. Which is probably the issue.


Great story so far. I can tell I've been playing too many harem VNs though. Had Cass and Eve both on the love path only to be punched in the gut. Ouch. Guess I should've seen it coming but it hurt none the less. Not sure if I messed something up along the way or not, but I'm assuming that's just how it is since I'm pretty sure I've tried everything up to that point but still always get the same results. Doesn't seem to be a love path for Kelly just yet. I know if you do what I did you end up with her but it didn't feel like I'd actually played through a love path with her to get there. Just kind of screwed up with the other two. Look forward to the next update!


Thank you!

You can actually avoid the bad ending on the dual love path. With the right choices and enough affection, Cassie will stay in the house and the story will go on.

Kelly's love path has barely begun but things might speed up a bit in future updates.

The next update will only be about quality of life stuff (including a walkthrough mode) and a rework of Day One. But I'll get back to new content right after that.


Thanks for the reply. It sounds like I need to find what I missed then!

If you do, please share. I'm trying myself and nothing is working.


Scroll down. Someone else had the same problem and TNC explained how to get it 3 months ago.


Cheers. It was way way down. I'm gonna paste it here in case someone is looking for it:

Globally, you avoid Scene 7 by paying attention to Cassie and giving her some "pure love" vibe.

The first key choice is to talk to Cassie while in the lingerie shop, during Day 3. Avoid the "Ok. So what?" option.

The second key choice happens on Day 4 morning, when you meet Cassie in the living room : "Give her a proper kiss." / "I'm sorry." / "You keep saying that."

The third key choice happens on Day 4 either at Cassie's place or during the night, with Eve. At Cassie's place: "This morning was very difficult to handle." Or at night in Eve's bedroom: "I don’t accept it." Yes, that means that you can meet Kelly and still have the throuple path right. 

The fourth key choice happens during Day 4 night when you join Cassie in her bedroom. Choose "Except maybe cuddling a bit and having a nice talk." Finally, during Day 5, in Cassie's bedroom, you should be able to choose the following options: "I will tell you everything", "I would choose no-one", "Apologize".

With more than 67 affection points for Eve, and Cassie, you will avoid Scene 7 and Cassie will stay home with you.


Your game is great I do really enjoy playing it and finding new storypaths. But it would be great if you made a path guide that leads to each specific ending. Will you do that pls?


Hello. The next version of the game will include something like that.

(1 edit) (+1)(-2)

Well I finished the game again. Jaye's appearance was a welcome addition, woman is like a greek goddess! I cant wait for the next Chasing Sunsets update!

All in all it was a long wait to get this addition, about seven months, but I think it was worth it.

I finally succeeded in  starting the throuple story and it was worth it. So sweet...

I hope Eve gets the 'attention' she deserves in the next update.

Definitely Jaye from cs looks good,but if u see her in depth personality is shitty,she treats one of the best looking and good character, intelligent and nice guy type mc, which is rarest in avns like shit for no reason,and her reasoning is stupidest u will ever hear,she isn't likeable at all as a character,u have to accept her all shitty things and stupidity like a stupid fool to be on her good side,i loved her friend much more ,not giving spoilers but Jaye is type of girls who only looks good else good for nothing.


I liked the introduction of Jaye from Chasing Sunsets, it's a great storyline. I hope to see where you go with this, considering she also got her own frustrations about sibling love.


WAIT... Jaye's in this?! Holy crap! NOICE!

I didn't liked Jaye at all as character since her personality and story and reasoning for treating a good guy like mc, which is rarest in avns like shit for nothing, and even then he only helped that bitch she treated him badly, she is very bad and with millions defect and still treats everyone as secondary level.

I cant seem to find the Walkthrough/Guide anywhere. I know there used to be one. Was there one built in now? If so how do I activate it?

Nevermind, I figured it out. Achievement: The Most Difficult Path.

There is no walkthrough for now but there will be one included in the next version of the game. Release... when it's ready !


Just finished 0.62. Just a couple extra days and a couple hours of game play for $5?! I think I am giving up on Adult VNs. Bye mate.


I'm sorry if it disappointed you.

Summer Scent is still in development.

There are 18 different paths in the game. The completion score on the achievement screen will help you know just how much of the content you played.

(1 edit) (+2)(-1)

Depends what you compare it too. Compare it to going to the cinema to see a movie and its good deal.

Compare it to paying for a month of Netflix and I'd say it depends on how much stuff there is on Netflix you actually want to watch! For me a lot of stuff on Netflix is either boring, unwatchable or something I've seen before.

Now include that you would be helping a creator to make art and, in my opinion, you would be going the extra mile...


From now on, I am always going to leave a comment for any Adult VN saying "email me when you have the complete game with the complete story. Because until then, I won't buy your game.". And this is one of them.

(4 edits)

Paid $5 to Start using 0.62 using the 0.55 save, and all the characters names have returned to default! Am I supposed to restart the game just to get the names that I chose back?  I would have thought character names would be in the save file data.

EDIT: Just started a new game to check, and you cannot name NPC's now anyway, like you could with 0.55. So it doesn't matter. But it's strange to take something AWAY in an update.

EDIT 2: I've started a new game (ugh) and can see I still have the affection and submission levels, etc from the end of my last 0.55 game! You need to really look at this code again.


You should be able to play your save without issue, but the names are definitively gone.

Naming the girls was possible in the earlier version of the game but I removed that option, as you noticed.
I've talked about it somewhere else, but long story short, I needed to control Cassie's name for story purposes.

I agree that it's a weird thing to do, and I thought a lot about it before making that decision. Quite frankly, I initially allowed it because it was kind of a common feature in the visual novel sphere, but as time passed on, I came to realise that it was, at least for me, creatively limitative.

I'm sorry for the inconvenience!

Well, what I had to do was uninstall the game, delete the game folder in User files and then reinstall 0.62. This was to start the game again and start remembering different names.

Are you going to add the game to steam?


Steam is part of the plan. However I have several things to rework and correct before I reach that point.
So... Somewhere in 2023 probably.

I love this game.  I just have a few questions.  Will only the first 5 chapters be free?  If not, do you know when the other chapter might be made free?  Do you have an idea of how many total chapters you intend to create?  I believe I read on your most recent update that you have Covid so take all the time you need to respond.  Thanks for all your hard work and get well soon!


Hey there. I'm glad you liked it.
The free version will stop at chapter 5. There will be no more free chapters. I might provide a "technical update" but there will be no more content for that version of the game.

The story is currently in the middle of Day 6 and will go up to Day 9.  I'm not sure how many releases it will take to get there.

I'm mostly done with my covid experience. It wasn't a pleasant one. I'm now back at work!

Thank you!

Hello ! Great game . When's the next episodes coming? And is the restaurant scene the last for this version ? Anyways great game !!

Thank you for your kind words.
V0.6.2 will be released on Itch at the end of this week.
The next update will come... when it's ready !


Great work!  This is definitely my favorite VN right now.

Thank you !


i liked this game


Anal sex?


Kind of?
You may not like it though!

Hello friend. I really enjoyed the game until now and I appreciate your efforts. Do your best.

Excuse me is there anyway to spy 3 girls going together to bath, with the camera that has been hidden there ?!

And I wonder if I continue being in love with kelly would make a sex scene or not.(even in future updates).

Best wishes for you(。♡‿♡。)

Hey there. Thank you for your kind words.

So far, there is no way to spy on the girls in the bathroom.

Kelly is a Love Interest, as such she will have her love story, and her lewd scenes.


Hi there bro. Special thanks to you for preparing this nice game for us. I'm really waiting for next episodes in future and wish you shine in creating your next games too.

I just have a question. I've been followed all paths but I didn't get what steve had told three girls when they left the hall after watching his movie with his gf.

I really wonder, would be glad to answer me if possible, thanks 


Hey there.
I'm glad you liked it.

If we're talking about the conversation that happened during day 5 night between Jane, Steve's girlfriend, Eve, Cassie and Kelly... The content of that conversation is still a bit of a secret for now.
On some paths, you will learn that they talked about sex a fair bit but there was also much more than that.
You will learn more in future episodes.


How fast reply!Thanks for respecting your game fans. I can't wait for the game to be continue! Good luck!

Thank you !


I haven't played this game, but I'm downloading and ready just because of those dev updates it's nice to see the communication!

Well, I hope you'll enjoy it !


grate game but sadly i couldn't get past the store after picking up the girl kept getting errors and rollback didnt work or ignore and ive uninstalled n reinstalled the game twice 

Hello there.
Which version of the game did you play ? Do you remember what kind of errors you were getting ?

i played 0.5.5 PC  and it just continues with the error over n over 

While loading <'Image' u'images/ep1/ep1px0013.jpg'>:

Exception: Could not load image u'images/ep1/ep1px0013.jpg': error('JPEG loading error',)

I downloaded the build and tried it. It works fine on my side. I really don't know what's going on. Did you temper with the files in anyway ? Like installing a mod ?

(1 edit)

no i have not edit anything or temper or loaded mods on it its my first time playing it 

(1 edit)

Are renpy games usually working fine on your computer?


Great ass game, ive been following for two years now and im happy to say that this game has made some amazing progress, and i love the fact that multiple endings can occur. Keep up the good work man :)

Thank you !

Ok ive downloaded and installed the 6.1b update for android and now when i open the app it immediately closes any solutions that i can follow?

I'm on it!


I aint gonna lie this it the first VN i actually want to pay for the updates. the story and character design is some of the best ive seen. 10/10

To bad you cant download through the itch app looks like a good game ill never play since it uses a 3rd party hosting site


I know. But that's a problem I can't solve as long as Itch doesn't answer my emails.

Yeah I've heard they are pretty bad at replying to anyone on here I may give it a shot tho I just dont rust 3rd party sites since there are people who pretend to post games but are actually viruses.

I totally understand your concern.


This game started out interesting, interesting story and characters. Art stye was nice... pacing was nice, storytelling was great! I had no problems with it  and was loving it... but after a few hours in you are tricked into something... I HATED EVERY MINUTE of being forced to be screwed in the rectum by a woman I wanted to romance with. There's no way to stop this after you find out, no warning that this will happen, go pass it or reverse the situation. Other games warn you of such things coming, even if you don't want pregnancy or not etc etc etc. But this.... was annoying for a straight man like myself. I clicked on my  mouse so fast to skip this BS! It happens on 2 occasions too. One wasn't enough. I wish you success on your game but I know I'm not playing it any further.


Hello there!

No harsh feeling, I understand completely that this isn't to everybody's taste.

That being said, you can avoid that content and romance Cassie in a more conventionnal way. You simply made the wrong choices.

Massaging her feet in the living room starts the chain of events that leads to that path. Don't do it and you will be safe from her unusual desires.

In any case, thanks for playing!

(1 edit) (+1)

I appreciate your reply. Honestly, I really was enjoying everything about the game up until that point lol. Who would have thought massaging her feet would lead to that outcome a few scenes later though? Soon as I saw what was going on (the night it happens) ...  even choosing no doesn't let you out of that. I just felt it was a bit of a trap and forced. "In my opinion" the player should have had an option to stop the action once realizing what was happening. If they are not into "that". But, I understand it's YOUR game though so who am I. Hope you have a nice weekend man! 


I'm all too familiar with this and can very much so relate. I HATE femdom, force, etc. Every time I come across a game with femdom in it, and it is forced upon the player without any way to turn the tables or even just the option to not go through with it, it pisses me off. 


agreed 100%


Well, you can avoid it. There are other paths for Cassie that do not include femdom.
I have no problem understanding that the femdom content isn't for everyone.


No worries, my initial comment wasn't directed at you but rather a commentary on the games that do this, in general. I just happened to use this thread as an outlet to express the thoughts that I've had for awhile now, considering the context of the conversation. 

I'm well aware of your earlier comments and understand that we have a mutual understanding about this. 

Rape is still rape. If the MC says no after they reach the scene, its still fucked up that they can't leave the room.

The massage is just the first step of the chain of events. You can still refuse Cassie later in the lingerie shop, but it will prevent you from going on the love path.

I always thought that a player who wouldn't enjoy that kind of content would simply load a previous save and go another path. Maybe the fact that there are several different paths available isn't evident.

One thing is for sure, I should find a way to warn the player so that he can make an enlightened choice. It has been on my to-do list for a while now, and I need to work on that.

(6 edits)

no worries, man. I'm sure to probably come back in the future after some updates (I'll follow you). But... I'll probably skip that character all together lol. Honestly it doesn't seem evident that there are several different paths with Cassie. It just seems like... yes or no. Yes, and you are put into a femdom situation, no... and you just don't get to romance the character other than the foot massage. I just hate that I can't go on the love plot with Cassie without the femdom... I will see if I have a previous save back to the lingerie shop. I feel at that very moment when the first "toy" comes out the first time. Saying no should allow you to end that relationship if that's not what you want to see displayed. Right then and there. You are even asked then and you can say no but saying no doesn't allow you to stop that, you are still forced into it. 2nd time (strap on)... you are asked too and you can say no and still are forced to see it. It kills her whole character if you know this ahead of time and say no in the lingerie shop. Now it's impossible to romance Cassie.  But that's what I'll be doing if I play this again lol. My attention will be on the others and saying no to her in the shop immediately 

So update... after my previous comment I went and looked and I did have sense enough to save right at the point of the lingerie shop. I played from there saying no to her to the end... but I didn't get any romance with anybody now LOL... man oh man. Nothing with either character. Just a few hugs from the sis and the kiss on the cheek from Kelly... now what? LOL

You've been really unlucky, I guess. There are about 18 paths available at the moment in Summer scent. And femdom content in only 4 of them. You should restart from scratch and try to stack affection points. And go apologize to Eve on Sunday morning after breakfast if you haven't That may open some doors.

Yow, it's my first time playing this game and I ended up having the dark ending(when Kelly ended up being my girlfriend, she's a cutie tho and I can't really complain) it's the first ending that I encountered. Even tho I believe that I picked the right/best choices(sometimes I try to balance the affection pts of the two main girls), everything went downhill in that movie night and the day after that. I'm hella confused rn cuz I don't know where did I messed up, so I decided to do a restart. 

I really liked the game, the girls, and the story, that 2gb of storage is worth it in my mobile phone.

Lastly, where could I find some walkthroughs, I think I might need some assistance here, I'm afraid to mess up again. Cheers fam.

Hey there. Thank you for playing Summe Scent!

I made trigger maps for the 15$ tier on my patreon. Those are path by path walkthrough (Kind of).
But for the dual love path and the bad end that comes with it, I still give a "how to". Here it is :

How to avoid scene 7?

Globally, you avoid Scene 7 by paying attention to Cassie and giving her some "pure love" vibe.

The first key choice is to talk to Cassie while in the lingerie shop, during Day 3. Avoid the "Ok. So what?" option.

The second key choice happens on Day 4 morning, when you meet Cassie in the living room : "Give her a proper kiss." / "I'm sorry." / "You keep saying that."

The third key choice happens on Day 4 either at Cassie's place or during the night, with Eve. At Cassie's place: "This morning was very difficult to handle." Or at night in Eve's bedroom: "I don’t accept it." Yes, that means that you can meet Kelly and still have the throuple path right.

The fourth key choice happens during Day 4 night when you join Cassie in her bedroom. Choose "Except maybe cuddling a bit and having a nice talk." Finally, during Day 5, in Cassie's bedroom, you should be able to choose the following options: "I will tell you everything", "I would choose no-one", "Apologize".

With more than 67 affection points for Eve, and Cassie, you will avoid Scene 7 and Cassie will stay home with you.

I hope it'll help you !

Yo huge thanks for the assistance, gonna restart my walkthrough now.

You're welcome!

You made me create an account just to leave a comment here, I played a few games like this, mostly good and almost made me create an account to say how good their stories were, but yours really made me do it, first of all, the dialogue is great, I felt greatly immersed I had to step out as I was too affected by the story, especially since I got the dark bad ending, damn it fucked me up good I won't sleep at night...had to look up a walkthrough, realised I mostly did good, but fucked up at the apologizing part where I didn't apologize but begged her to forgive Eve, which apparently is the only bad choice I did, went back and apologized and everything went well after that...

As of writing this I am still disturbed by that ending, I rarely get affected by...anything, but that one will stick with me for a while

Hello there!
Thank you for your kind words. I'm glad you liked it.
To know that my story managed to create emotions is the greatest compliment.

Show post...

Is there non-con choices in this game? 

It's a difficult question to answer without spoiling content that is already in the game or will be implemented in the future.

Some choices may appear to be. But ultimately, there will be none.

Show post...

Okay thankyou.

(1 edit)

When will be the next update after version 6.1... iam thrilled for more..pls reply


I'm still working on it, I'm currently posing the shots for the last scene of the next update. I can't really tell when it'll be done. I'll get it out as soon as it's ready.


The more I play this VN, the more I discover nice details, like Cassie commenting on MC and Eve flirting or bickering.
I am amazed, how each playthrough shows more details regarding the characters. Really love it.


As a heads up, the current preview build is too big for android. Google introduced a cap which limits apks over 2GBs from being installed onto devices on i believe android 10 and up whichever android version released in 2019

That's worrying. The current android test has been tested and is supposed to work (At least my beta testers didn't have any problem with it and I didn't have any complaints about it ). However, the 2GB size limit is clearly indicated by the engine when I compile the final android distribution. So... I don't know if it works for everyone, or just most of the players and I don't know for how long it will work as the size of the game will keep increasing. If I want to keep an android build available, I'll probably have to dramatically reduce the image quality.

To be honest, I don't like that idea.

the worrying part is someone trying to use a tool that was designed to call yr momma on a sunday night, to play computer games on.

First playthrough was a bit uneventful at the current chapter end, So I decided to start a second one where I'd go for the optimal romancing options. Things went unbelievably sideways and dark, but it was great storytelling.


Thank you for playing Summer Scent.

The "dark stuff" you encountered was probably the bad ending on the Dual Love path. It can be avoided with the correct choices.

There are 18 different paths in the game at the moment. There will be some other bad/early endings, but I'm pretty sure that none will be as dark as that one.


Hey, yeah I found a walkthrough to see where I went wrong lol, it's refreshing that the best choice doesn't always have the best outcome like most other games out there. I also think it's good to have some bad ends in there, makes the storytelling and emphasis on your choices feel a lot more Impactful. Went through and played a few of the other paths and had a blast. Excited to see where it goes In future updates and try different playthroughs.

Thank you for your kind words. I'm glad you liked it !


Love the game thus far, my only critique would be I wish there was animation.


Hey there!
Unfortunately, I don't have the skills to produce decent animations. It's something I need to work on, but it would take a long time before I could produce something watchable.

(1 edit) (+1)

If you use the Launcher for desktop it'll update the game for you instead of having to redownload all the time. As long as the dev doesn't use a third-party host, which OP does do, unfortunately.

Well, I asked itch for more space several times but they never answered me. So the third party host is my only option.

Hell yea. New patch is out. Is there a way to add new content without deleting and redownloading the game ? Keep up the fantastic work, Cap.

Hey there. Sadly, no. You have to redownload the whole game with every update. I'm still looking into a solution for that problem.
Thank you for your kind words!

I played through the game once and loved it.  Great femdom stuff in this one. 
I played through again and was loving it because decisions actually matter, the game changes a lot with different play throughs.  
But holy shit, be warned this game gets fucking DARK.  I got to the end of my second play through and just had to close the game.  I dont think i want to play any more.  Super buzz kill.   You're not ready for what this game has in store.   I dont know how to feel about it.

Hey there!

Thank you for playing my game.

You're probably referring to the bad end on the dual love path.
It is indeed dark!

That ending is avoidable. With the right choices, you can continue the story on that path.

I have planned some other bad and bitter endings for Summer Scent, but none will be as dark as that one.

(1 edit)

thanks for the reply.  the game is really good btw.  is there a way to have Eve really be submissive? Or that path is not super deep yet?

Also is there a way to have a loving relationship with Cassie, while avoiding the really bad end?  I feel like it only lets me kiss Cassie and go down that love route, if i have already started a loving relationship with Eve. 

Thanks for replys.

Yes, it is possible. Both for Eve's Submission and Cassie's Love path.

You can interact with one or the other or with both girls. You don't have to romance one girl to have the other one.

The bad end happens only on the dual love path and is avoidable, so you can romance only Cassie, or romance both and make the right choices to avoid that bad ending.

No path is finished as of now.


Not really a comment but if I buy the game on for $5 do I just get the latest update or do I get future versions as well? I don't want to pay $5 everytime a new update comes out. Also I absolutely love the game and obviously I'm looking to purchase it. Any response would be greatly appreciated thank you.

To be completely honest. I don't know.
On my side, it's labeled as "early access". So you should pay once and own it forever with every updates that will come in the future. But I didn't try it myself so I wouldn't bet my life on that...


Well I'm gonna pay for it so wish me luck and thank you for making the game keep it up man. Love to see another game.

Thank you!

I hope to make some other games too, once I'm finished with this one.


Hi, I bought Summer Scent one year ago to download the latest Version at that time and was able to download the 0.6.1b version in November. You only need to buy it once.

Good to know ! Thank you !

It depends on the author. Normally once paid, the game is yours. But some authors bring out new versions at higher prices, so you need to pay that price to own the latest updated version.
Like, you bought it at $5, but v2 is now at $10 - you won't be able to get V2 unless you pay $10... (paying the difference does not seem possible, unfortunately).

Other authors bring out the latest v2 at $15 and then after a certain time, drop down to the original $5, so you just need to wait.

That's good to know. And that's also not a good news.

I plan to release on Steam at some point and, as I understand it, I will have to increase the price tag here on Itch.
I hoped that it wouldn't impact the ones that already have bought the game.
If I understand you correctly, they would then have to buy it again at full price ?

My understanding of the itch price structure is perhaps not complete, as I am only consuming things here on itch. So it might be different than what I say here. But yes, I have paid $5 for a game ( Knightly Passions ) and then when they upped the price tot $10, had to pay $10 again, so in total $15. Currently you can download version 6 for free, version 7 for $1 and version 8 for $10 (discount of 50% as the new price is $20).

I understand that Steam wants the price to be the same or higher than on Steam if the game is available on multiple platforms, correct ? 

You should probably contact another author on itch who went to steam (Lockheart from Avalon is somebody who tried this, he might have tips if you contact him via his Discord, although it was apparently not totally positive). 

I can think of several things you could try : 

  • you could keep an older version here for a lower price, if steam allows that ?
  • when your game is complete, you could release it here first for a short time, so people who already have it can grab the download at the price they paid it and then just before when it is going live on steam, you up the price on itch to the same price on steam : this gives people who already paid a chance to grab it for the same price
  • you change the price on now already to the future price that you will set on steam - and yes that means a few early clients that will not be very happy, but the sooner you do it the better it will be for everyone else - the reach of steam is far greater but perhaps the price could be the same ?
  • apparently there is or was a way to give out steam keys to people on other platforms (not sure this still works or will work in the future): you can supply a limited number of these steam keys to existing users on itch ?
  • you could set up a discord server and let itch users who pay a certain amount get access to it. And on that server you could do what you want, but it seems to me to be a messy solution with lots of work (I think most people do this with Patreon / SS )

Again, best to talk to an author here who did this already.

Hope this helps !

Yes, when you publish on Steam, you can't have the game available at a cheaper price tag anywhere else.
I am not 100% sure about that but I think it includes demos, limited versions and that kind of stuff.

When I'll release it on Steam, I will more likely up the price tag of Summer Scent to match the standard for that kind of game (from $10 to $15 I believe).

I'll have to do some more research, but you're right. I should probably increase the price tag on Itch as soon as possible, to mitigate future problems. In combination with gifting Steam or Itch keys, that could do the trick.

A lot of things to think about!

Thank you!


Its my first time playing this type of games. But i believe there will be future continuation to the story as I got the screen for the main menu before any major events (i.e sex). I dont know how it compares to other games but it feels like a masterpiece with those graphics, and I surely will try different approaches. Keep up the great work, Cap.

Thank you for your kind words.

The story will indeed continue, I'm continuously working on new content.
There are several paths in Summer Scent, many of which include some "naughty" content.
You should probably retry it with different choices!

No thank YOU, sir for such a great effort and forum activity. I have a recommendation; I wish you could bring the notification when gaining affection or dom etc… to a more noticeable place because it’s easy to miss. And can you use larger fonts for dialogue or shade the area behind it. Hope my ideas can help.

The interface will be reworked many times again before the final release of the game. Everything is subject to change. I have plans, I just don't know when I'll have the time to work on that part.


Ngl, I feel like you are captain of an Armada of ships and the ones riding it are us

cuz this game

its just

how come Im not living that life

its just Perfect

amazing really 

I just imagine the next game after this

rocks me to me core m8 love it great job

although I do have some problems on my Windows 7 for the loading but its fine

Im gonna get a new laptop now lol 

Stay Safe !

(1 edit)

Thank you! I'm glad you like Summer Scent !

I'm far from being done with it but yeah, I can promise you that the second game will be better. I'm learning a lot and there are several mistakes and traps I'll take care to avoid in my next project.


Hi there Captain!
Couldn't sleep at 11PM, wanted to try a light adult game and here I am at 3AM having reached what looks like the 'bad ending' (v0.5.5), after an unexpectedly emotional adventure… don't want to spoil things for others, but what a profound and beautiful storytelling experience you have created here!
It's a nice departure from other similar VNs that make it unrealistically easy to build a harem (not saying these are not fun). There's probably a way to do that (I think?) but clearly one must strike a very precise balance to achieve it. I'm looking forward to testing different paths!
This is a game that achieves treating young love & lust in a very mature way. At first I thought there was a lot of narration, but it is well written and flowing, and that's what eventually works. It is quickly made clear that things will not end nicely nor easily with the YOLO route, and that you must think twice about your choices…
The only suggestions I would have is to add some soulful music, and that the thin white font is often hard to read over some images.

Thank you for crafting and sharing this very deep and meaningful story with us!!

Hey there!

Thank you for your kind words

I'm glad you liked Summer Scent. There is indeed a way to grow a love-based relationship with both Eve and Cassie.
The YOLO route, as you name it, is something I wanted to avoid. Some paths are easier than others but I tried to keep things consistent and meaningful.

Music is on its way. I need to find the right track, which isn't easy. But it's a work in progress.
Fonts and readability have been improved in v0.6, but I'll probably have to rework it some more.

Thank you for playing my game!

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